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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1112 error message for corrupted caps to {{{tahoe ls}}} is unclear new defect major soon
#1113 write the first edition of the Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News closed marlowe enhancement major soon (release n/a)
#1115 count-good-share-hosts is calculated incorrectly (post-repair says 10 hosts have good shares but there are only 4 hosts) closed davidsarah defect major 1.9.2
#1116 clarify difference between full and read-only servers in servers-of-happiness failure message new daira defect major soon
#1117 the immutable uploader should call remote_abort on buckets that it knows it won't be using closed zooko defect major 1.7.1
#1121 test 'tahoe run' closed defect major soon
#1122 failure in allmydata.test.test_runner.RunNode.test_client: 'does not look like a running node directory' new drewp defect major undecided
#1123 unit tests getting unicode when they expect str closed zooko defect major 1.7.1
#1124 upload is unhappy even though the shares are already distributed new defect major soon
#1125 release 1.7.1 closed zooko defect major 1.7.1
#1126 maybe have separate code paths for upload and repair new defect major undecided
#1128 Kyle Markley's case--uploader gives up in despair closed defect major undecided
#1130 Failure to achieve happiness in upload or repair new kevan defect major soon
#1132 browser protocol handler or plugin for Tahoe URIs new enhancement major undecided
#1135 reduce unnecessary escaping in quote_output closed davidsarah defect major 1.8β
#1136 don't run a web-API frontend if you don't need one new somebody enhancement major eventually
#1137 test-from-egg and test-from-prefixdir are not testing the right code closed davidsarah defect major 1.8.1
#1138 Timeout of Servermap Update new nobody defect major soon
#1140 apparently spurious failure in allmydata.test.test_storage.BucketCounter.test_bucket_counter closed davidsarah defect major 1.8β
#1141 Cannot Delete Or Rename Files/Directories With Wacky Names assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1142 Unlikely XSS Potential in File Names in WUI new nobody defect major undecided
#1143 Double Encoding in HTML in File Names in WUI closed davidsarah defect major 1.10.0
#1144 Loopy/Uninhibited/Overlarge Filename Makes Web Server Crump new nobody defect major undecided
#1145 conditionalize upload-debs on branch=trunk closed zooko defect major soon (release n/a)
#1147 trigger buildbot on push to non-trunk closed warner enhancement major soon (release n/a)
#1149 scripts/ is not tested closed davidsarah defect major 1.9.0
#1152 trac tickets should not be auto-closed if a 'fixes #....' patch is committed only on a branch closed somebody defect major soon (release n/a)
#1159 stop using .tac files: make it possible to change appname, Python package-directory name, perhaps other names closed daira defect major 1.10.1
#1163 server stats new enhancement major undecided
#1164 use ChaCha⊕AES encryption new somebody enhancement major soon
#1166 ZeroDivisionError in web/ closed francois defect major 1.8.0
#1167 get Ubuntu autobuilds going closed rockstar enhancement major soon (release n/a)
#1169 update documentation for the download status page new warner defect major soon
#1172 active immutable downloads are shown on Recent Operations instead of Active Operations closed francois defect major 1.8.0
#1173 cancelled downloads are marked incorrectly on the Recent Uploads/Downloads page assigned zooko defect major soon
#1175 ftpd and sftpd documentation should advise to listen only on the loopback interface closed davidsarah enhancement major 1.8.0
#1176 webapi should avoid using plaintext temporary file for uploads new defect major soon
#1179 use μTP new enhancement major undecided
#1180 put more DYHBs into flight at once when K is larger new defect major soon
#1181 new-downloader requests too much data, builds up new defect major soon
#1183 Update the logo for the site to be the new Tahoe-LAFS logo by kpreid closed secorp enhancement major undecided
#1184 Clean up the front page of the project site new secorp task major undecided
#1186 downloader: avoid redundant Share.loop calls closed enhancement major 1.9.0
#1187 mitigate the performance bottleneck of slow servers in download new defect major undecided
#1188 flog exception with pycrypto 2.3 closed warner defect major undecided
#1189 investigate best FUSE+sshfs options to use for performance and correctness of SFTP via sshfs new bj0 defect major undecided
#1190 we can end up importing the wrong version of a dependency even though the right one is "already the active version in easy-install.pth" closed davidsarah defect major 1.8.1
#1191 unit test failure: failed to download file with 2 shares on one server and one share on another closed Brian Warner <warner@…> defect major 1.8.0
#1192 warn users not to rely on PyCrypto closed davidsarah defect major 1.8.0
#1193 adding support for http byte range in http_common.do_http new guyzmo enhancement major undecided
#1196 clean up and optimize spans closed nobody enhancement major eventually
#1197 nondeterministic failure of allmydata.test.test_download.DownloadTest.test_lost_servers with NotEnoughSharesError closed zooko defect major 1.8.0
#1198 Bogus tub location causes introducer error new defect major soon
#1199 document known scaling issues new warner enhancement major eventually
#1200 package up Brian's New Visualization of immutable download closed nobody enhancement major 1.9.0
#1201 'rm' via sftp+sshfs may hang if previous operations on the file are "stuck" assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1202 release 1.8.0 closed zooko defect major 1.8.0
#1205 Installation does not default to expiring shares closed somebody defect major undecided
#1206 node status page does not indicate per server if it is taking shares closed enhancement major undecided
#1208 config should default to leaving 1G free closed warner enhancement major 1.8.2
#1209 repair of mutable files/directories should not increment the sequence number assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1210 stray unrecoverable versions should be repaired by removal, not a new version closed somebody defect major undecided
#1211 client should be able to test share placement new somebody enhancement major eventually
#1213 Should support change of hash functions new somebody task major undecided
#1214 test_argv_to_unicode is red on my Mac OS 10.4 closed zooko defect major 1.8.1
#1215 add CORS support new enhancement major undecided
#1216 document our commitment never to add government backdoors closed somebody defect major soon (release n/a)
#1217 useless error message when I use wrong syntax for a path in CLI commands, e.g. "tahoe cp" assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1218 missing python http_proxy env variable in AdvancedInstall page on the wiki closed sickness enhancement major soon (release n/a)
#1219 Visual changes on status web pages closed somebody defect major 1.8.2
#1220 build/install should be able to refrain from getting dependencies closed gdt defect major 1.11.0
#1221 operation stats are not sufficient to understand what's wrong new defect major undecided
#1222 scoreboard server status new enhancement major undecided
#1223 got 'WrongSegmentError' during repair closed davidsarah defect major 1.8.1
#1224 Unicode bug in grid to grid copies closed warner defect major 1.8.1
#1229 Memory leak during deep-check assigned francois defect major soon
#1230 help synopsis for 'tahoe ln' is confusing closed warner defect major 1.8.2
#1232 Unicode stdout/stderr replacement on Windows fails to print large strings closed davidsarah defect major 1.8.1
#1233 prefer binary eggs which satisfy dependencies over source eggs which are even newer closed zooko defect major 1.8.1
#1234 UnrecoverableFileError message should say which file it refers to assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1235 'UserWarning: Unbuilt egg for setuptools' on Lucid closed zooko defect major 1.8.1
#1237 we need a python 2.7 buildslave closed somebody enhancement major soon (release n/a)
#1238 investigate using tox to run tests closed somebody enhancement major 1.11.0
#1239 document why package dependencies not auto-satisfied on test-from-prefixdir and test-with-fake-pkg steps closed zooko defect major undecided
#1240 remove ResponseCache in favour of MDMFSlotReadProxy's cache closed davidsarah defect major 1.10.0
#1242 release 1.8.1 closed somebody task major 1.8.1
#1243 provide binary .egg's of Twisted for all supported platforms and versions of Python closed nobody defect major soon (release n/a)
#1244 make sure we have binaries of zfec for all supported platforms and versions of Python new nobody defect major undecided
#1245 build binary eggs of zope.interface for all supported platforms closed somebody defect major soon (release n/a)
#1246 figure out why "FreeStorm Win7-amd64-mingw py2.6" is red on the "test-with-fake-pkg" step closed zooko defect major soon
#1247 auto-generate the table of eggs and installers closed zooko defect major soon (release n/a)
#1249 There may be a memory leak in the tahoe-lafs storage server, which may or may not be related to the number of other storage servers. assigned stott defect major undecided
#1252 use different encoding parameters for dirnodes than for files assigned davidsarah defect major undecided
#1254 eliminate use of urllib.urlopen in check_load assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#1255 'tahoe mv' doesn't report errors from the DELETE operation closed david-sarah@… defect major 1.8.1
#1256 set up pbuilder for Debian/Ubuntu buildslaves closed somebody enhancement major undecided
#1257 the "update-apt" step for pycryptopp buildbots always says that a task is already queued closed somebody defect major undecided
#1258 having Tahoe or any dependency installed in site-packages (or any other shared directory) can cause us to run or test the wrong code closed davidsarah defect major 1.11.0
#1259 is being generated in the wrong place closed zooko defect major 1.8.1
#1260 there should be a way to force compiling C extensions from source closed somebody defect major 1.11.0
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