Custom Query (3698 matches)


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Results (1501 - 1600 of 3698)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1772 update docs to include MDMF closed zooko defect normal 1.9.2
#1773 check/test/update claim about compatibility with old clients and servers in relnotes.txt closed warner defect normal 1.10.0
#1775 u"py3 not supported" idiom will break in Python 3.3 closed davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0
#1777 cleanups to backupdb tests closed warner enhancement normal 1.10.0
#1778 increase maximum mutable share size closed zooko defect normal 1.9.2
#1780 Makefile: add 'check-rst' target to check .rst files for errors closed david-sarah@… defect normal 1.9.2
#1783 tahoe cp --verbose progress messages show double the actual number of files closed davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0
#1784 add happiness count to check and repair reports closed zooko defect normal 1.10.1
#1785 type error in ServerMap.copy? closed warner defect normal 1.10.0
#1786 cloud backend: limit memory usage closed davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1787 cloud-backend: allocation checks in test_storage closed daira defect normal 1.15.0
#1788 bump foolscap requirement to >= 0.6.3 to support Twisted 11.1.0 closed davidsarah defect normal 1.9.2
#1789 update performance.rst to describe MDMF performance closed marlowe defect normal soon
#1790 S3 backend: NotImplementedErrors in logs for lease methods closed defect normal soon
#1792 make Tahoe-LAFS work under PyPy closed defect normal eventually
#1794 upload failed -- "I/O operation on closed file" new defect normal undecided
#1796 refuse to upload/download a mutable file if it cannot be done in the available memory new defect normal undecided
#1799 Document how to distinguish exceptions from JSON, or encode exceptions as JSON new defect normal undecided
#1800 storage indices are sometimes logged as binary closed warner defect normal 1.10.1
#1805 tahoe cp verbose counts from 0 to n-1 of n closed defect normal 1.10.0
#1806 automatically url-decode capabilities in cli closed enhancement normal undecided
#1808 error message gets downloaded instead of rendered by Konqueror closed zooko defect normal soon
#1809 WUI: upload to directory fails due to no file name new defect normal undecided
#1810 decide on, document, and automate a flow for reviewing, testing, and merging pull requests closed task normal soon (release n/a)
#1814 UploadUnhappinessError despite no apparent refusal of shares new defect normal soon
#1815 either bridge foolscap log messages to twistd.log, or remove the section of logging.rst about that assigned blaisep defect normal undecided
#1816 add a lease renewal method that only renews some shares in a shareset, to be used by repair/rebalancing new warner defect normal undecided
#1817 test_storage crawler tests can wedge the test machine for certain bugs in code-under-test closed davidsarah defect normal 1.10.1
#1818 leasedb: track leases in a sqlite database, not inside shares closed warner task normal 1.14.0
#1821 show full, explorable details about check and repair operations new enhancement normal eventually
#1822 Is data distributed across each server equally or unequally or determined by the user closed davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1823 is this server telling me over foolscap that its foolscap connection to me just broke? new defect normal undecided
#1825 make the "tahoe unlink" output explain the difference between unlink and rm closed Lcstyle enhancement normal soon
#1826 make an animated 3D movie showing how to traverse and manipulate a Tahoe-LAFS filesystem closed marlowe enhancement normal undecided
#1827 remove the 'tahoe rm' command now that 'tahoe unlink' has been the primary documented command for a few major releases closed GitHub <noreply@…> defect normal undecided
#1831 Google Drive backend new enhancement normal undecided
#1832 support indefinite leases with garbage collection new enhancement normal undecided
#1833 storage server deletes garbage shares itself instead of waiting for crawler to notice them new enhancement normal undecided
#1834 stop using share crawler for anything except constructing a leasedb new defect normal undecided
#1835 stop grovelling the whole storage backend looking for externally-added shares to add a lease to new enhancement normal undecided
#1836 use leasedb (not crawler) to figure out how many shares you have and how many bytes closed markberger defect normal 1.15.0
#1837 remove the "override lease duration" feature new defect normal undecided
#1838 Add storage location hint to Storage Server new davidsarah enhancement normal undecided
#1841 IRC logs link broken new defect normal undecided
#1843 add `tahoe create-server`, define `create-node` to mean client+server assigned warner enhancement normal soon
#1844 slow download speeds new davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1845 Error during simultaneous writes to shared directory closed davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1846 add "started" timestamp on the current operations on Recent Uploads and Downloads new defect normal undecided
#1848 write a static analysis tool to catch places where a Deferred is dropped closed davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1849 report maximum-immutable-share-size correctly in light of filesystem limits new defect normal undecided
#1850 Design new caps to be resilient against human transcription errors. new davidsarah defect normal
#1851 new immutable file upload protocol: streaming, fewer round-trips, quota-respecting new enhancement normal undecided
#1852 test suite: find a way to prevent unclean reactor errors causing subsequent test failures closed daira defect normal soon
#1853 "tahoe cp" breaks when files have a : char in their names closed zooko defect normal undecided
#1854 "tahoe cp -r * $DEST" incorrectly flattens subdirs closed defect normal 1.10.1
#1855 Potential interaction problem between tahoe backup and virtualbox shared drives on OSX host / debian guest. new davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1856 add a command-line command for "generate an incident report" new enhancement normal undecided
#1857 Add public gateway permalinks to web api closed enhancement normal undecided
#1858 Add redirect_to_index_html boolean to [client] closed enhancement normal undecided
#1860 expansion of %(uri)s in when_done parameter using Python's % operator is ill-advised closed David-Sarah Hopwood <david-sarah@…> defect normal 1.10.0
#1861 redirects in tahoe should not point to other origins closed ChosenOne enhancement normal undecided
#1862 removing shares more quickly than one day closed davidsarah defect normal eventually
#1863 Work-Around for > ~150MB files on Least Authority TLoS3 closed davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1864 turn off the AUTOINCREMENT feature in our use of sqlite? new zooko enhancement normal soon
#1865 backup has over-general exception swallowing that leads to assertion failures. new davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1866 Clarify url syntax at WAPI doc closed marlowe defect normal undecided
#1867 Trac timeline RSS feed prompts for authentication new defect normal undecided
#1868 rename "uri" to "cap" everywhere closed davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1869 pluggable backends: serialize backend operations on a shareset closed zooko defect normal 1.10.1
#1870 leasedb: performance regression new daira defect normal soon
#1871 provide interface to query lease storage information assigned davidsarah enhancement normal undecided
#1872 provide interface to purge user data new davidsarah enhancement normal undecided
#1873 add a show-caps command new igor enhancement normal soon
#1875 Hanging on dead reference? new davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1876 cloud backend / leasedb: write tests for new deferred utilities closed daira defect normal 1.15.0
#1878 tahoe cp -r: add tests for copying cyclic directories new defect normal undecided
#1879 Glossary document assigned blaisep enhancement normal User Documentation Goals
#1880 break up test_storage into more manageable pieces closed defect normal undecided
#1882 suggested improvements to quick start instructions closed marlowe task normal undecided
#1883 design a user survey new defect normal undecided
#1884 mention symlinking the shares directory in configuration.rst assigned blaisep defect normal User Documentation Goals
#1885 cloud backend: redundant reads of chunks from cloud when downloading large files closed defect normal 1.15.0
#1886 cloud backend: crawlers are running too often closed daira defect normal 1.15.0
#1888 cloud backend: "excessive reactor delay" warning in foolscap log during crawler run closed davidsarah defect normal 1.15.0
#1889 allmydata.mutable.common.NotEnoughServersError does not produce a "humanized" failure message new defect normal soon
#1890 submit proposal for restrict-referrer-leakage to the CSP standardizers and implementors assigned davidsarah task normal soon
#1891 Setup Problem closed defect normal undecided
#1892 document what 'tahoe cp' does with trailing slashes closed warner defect normal 1.10.1
#1893 don't do lease-renewal automatically new enhancement normal undecided
#1894 add --interactive and --no-clobber options to 'tahoe cp' new defect normal undecided
#1895 implement replace=false for file upload into a mutable directory new davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1897 CLI: add a way to change an existing alias without directly editing the aliases file assigned daira defect normal soon
#1898 deep check on a non-directory gives unhelpful "400 Bad Request" error assigned davidsarah defect normal soon
#1899 make reported max-mutable-share-size have the same semantics as max-immutable-share-size new defect normal soon
#1900 a cli method of seeing the connected servers/clients new enhancement normal undecided
#1901 WUI: the "Download!" button on the Welcome page leads to the file displayed in-browser instead of downloaded/saved closed defect normal 1.10.1
#1902 WUI: "Download a file" should error on directory assigned Lcstyle defect normal soon
#1903 deprecate one of the synonyms "/file/" and "/named/" from the WAPI reopened zooko enhancement normal soon
#1905 add diagram of current tahoe-lafs protocol assigned davidsarah enhancement normal soon
#1906 constant-time directory lookup new davidsarah enhancement normal undecided
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