Custom Query (3698 matches)


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Results (1601 - 1700 of 3698)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1907 Tor over Tahoe-LAFS new enhancement normal undecided
#1908 drop the darcsver egg closed zooko defect normal 1.10.0
#1909 cloud backend: add OpenStack support closed davidsarah enhancement normal undecided
#1910 memory leak on 'tahoe get' new T_X defect normal undecided
#1911 Add authentication for WUI access closed luckyredhot enhancement normal undecided
#1912 show miniature live view of recent activity right on the front page new drewp enhancement normal undecided
#1913 unlink many children from a directory at once new enhancement normal undecided
#1914 tahoe check reports incorrect encoding new defect normal undecided
#1915 helper.rst doc is out of date closed davidsarah defect normal 1.10.0
#1916 Folder healthy, but still get 410 Gone new davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1918 iputil: finding IP addresses fails on kfreebsd closed davidsarah defect normal 1.10.1
#1919 cloud backend OpenStack: send MD5 ETag closed davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1920 cloud backend: a failed upload can leave chunk objects that prevent subsequent uploads of the same file closed daira defect normal 1.15.0
#1922 Test of html Encoding After GET Fails closed mk.fg defect normal 1.10.0
#1923 cloud backend OpenStack: crawlers are not working correctly with HP Cloud Object Storage closed davidsarah defect normal 1.15.0
#1925 filesize is zero after upload via sshfs/sftp new cehteh defect normal undecided
#1926 Failed to load application: cannot import name IFinishableConsumer closed defect normal 1.10.0
#1927 cloud backend spams twistd.log with two entries for each HTTP connection closed daira defect normal soon
#1928 web redirects should use relative URLs assigned davidsarah defect normal soon
#1929 express documentation for web-API operations in terms of "rooted paths" assigned marlowe defect normal soon
#1930 should ?t=rename be deprecated in favour of ?t=move ? new defect normal soon
#1931 WUI: niggles in the new Welcome page new daira defect normal soon
#1933 announcement seqnums: respond to state-rollback new enhancement normal undecided
#1934 abolish timezones new defect normal eventually
#1935 bad behavior when localhost is down new warner defect normal undecided
#1936 the tahoe-lafs logging system is hard to discover new defect normal undecided
#1937 back up the content of a file even if the content changes without changing mtime new defect normal undecided
#1938 make the existence of the Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation apparent new secor enhancement normal soon
#1940 trac is rendering git diffs (in attachments) badly? closed defect normal soon
#1941 when an upload or check fails, link to a full explanation of what happened closed daira defect normal soon
#1942 replace google chart in wui with d3.js: it leaks information closed nobody task normal eventually
#1943 storage servers should report if the filesystem containing shares has been unmounted new defect normal undecided
#1944 test suite should pass with -O closed defect normal soon
#1946 consider removing some st_* fields from metadata new defect normal soon
#1947 Tor clients share their IP with the introducer closed davidsarah defect normal soon
#1949 CLI: -u does not work as an alias for --node-url closed Daira Hopwood <daira@…> defect normal 1.11.0
#1950 allmydataectomy: rename "allmydata" package to "tahoe_lafs" or "tahoelafs" closed task normal 2.0.0
#1951 "one-file" executable for non-developers closed defect normal undecided
#1952 rename "tahoe backup" to "tahoe snapshot" new enhancement normal undecided
#1953 include git branch name in the --version[-and-path] output closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#1955 Allow deep-check to continue after error closed davidsarah enhancement normal undecided
#1958 python trial runs out of memory on 613MB RAM VM closed davidsarah defect normal undecided
#1959 cloud backend: fix tests that are '[TODO] Share dumping has not been updated to take into account chunked shares' closed daira defect normal 1.14.0
#1962 the download visualization is hard to discover closed defect normal undecided
#1963 replace nevow with twisted.web.template closed daira enhancement normal eventually
#1964 convert trac repos from darcs to git closed warner task normal soon (release n/a)
#1965 FTP/SFTP: report malformed cap at login instead of use-time new enhancement normal undecided
#1966 WUI: new directory page closed warner enhancement normal 1.10.1
#1967 make new WUI work on phone new defect normal undecided
#1970 trac commit notifications always show the branch as /trunk new defect normal soon
#1971 add 'tahoe admin create-container' command closed daira defect normal 1.14.0
#1972 wui: show time page was rendered closed daira enhancement normal 1.10.1
#1973 wui: "since" and "announced" columns are confusing closed leif defect normal 1.11.0
#1974 wui: the "report an incident" feature doesn't submit incident reports closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#1975 remove the last use of notifyOnDisconnect, in server selection new defect normal soon
#1976 SFTP+SSHFS hangs for second concurrent operation assigned daira defect normal undecided
#1977 cloud backend: implement container creation for OpenStack and Google Cloud Storage closed daira defect normal soon
#1978 build binary eggs for Linux x86 closed task normal
#1979 build binary eggs for Linux x86-64 closed task normal soon
#1980 build binary eggs for Windows x86 (32-bit) closed daira task normal 1.10.1
#1981 build binary eggs for Windows x86 (64-bit) closed daira task normal 1.10.1
#1982 build binary eggs for FreeBSD closed task normal soon
#1983 build binary eggs for linux-armv6l (raspberry pi) closed task normal soon
#1984 build binary eggs for Linux on Mac OS X closed task normal soon
#1985 build binary eggs for NetBSD closed task normal soon
#1986 build binary eggs for Solaris closed task normal undecided
#1988 don't stop the process if you can't execute "ifconfig" or "route.exe" closed zooko defect normal 1.10.1
#1989 foolscap: "an inbound callRemote ... failed" log entries include all arguments new warner defect normal undecided
#1990 deep-check --repair hangs closed daira defect normal undecided
#1991 cloud backend fails with DataUnavailable when uploading+downloading a 10 GB file closed daira defect normal 1.15.0
#1992 warn if testing uncommitted code closed warner defect normal undecided
#1993 Abuse of HTTP status 410 Gone closed defect normal undecided
#1994 S3 Error during initialization of S3 store to use with S3(cloud) backend closed Zancas defect normal undecided
#1995 Unspecified error during initialization of EC2 storage server closed defect normal undecided
#1996 Unspecified error during verification of Least Authority Cypher Text Storage Service closed daira defect normal undecided
#1997 Eventually remove disconnected nodes from Welcome page display new daira enhancement normal soon
#1998 don't let "Calling Stale Broke" trigger an incident -- that's a false alarm new warner defect normal undecided
#1999 confusing error message when (S)FTP accounts file has malformed URL new defect normal undecided
#2000 build binary eggs for linux-armv5tel (nsa3xx nas running ffp) closed daira task normal soon
#2001 build binary eggs for macosx-10.9-intel (mavericks) closed tilllt task normal 1.11.0
#2002 add tahoe df command new enhancement normal undecided
#2003 put nickname in <title> assigned daira enhancement normal soon
#2005 'from OpenSSL import crypto' gives undefined symbol: SSLv2_method closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#2007 unhandled errors due to "bad connection hint '<IP address>' (hostname, but no port)" new defect normal undecided
#2008 test_problem_layout_ticket_1128 in incorrectly sets up the test scenario closed warner defect normal 1.10.1
#2009 One Grid to Rule Them All new daira defect normal undecided
#2010 Implement shortcuts to caps new enhancement normal undecided
#2011 Make the PyPI distribution name consistent with the domain name and debian packages. closed warner defect normal 1.11.0
#2013 Crosslink accounting-overview.txt and ticket #666. closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#2014 Tests fail in current state of 1819-cloud-merge branch closed markberger defect normal 1.10.1
#2017 non-deterministic test hang on OpenBSD closed sickness defect normal soon
#2018 padding to hide the size of plaintexts new nejucomo enhancement normal undecided
#2019 Add disclaimer that "Tahoe-LAFS is unrelated to Tahoe Data Manager" and petition TDM publisher to add similar disclaimer. new daira defect normal undecided
#2020 write requirements doc for what we want from a package installer new defect normal undecided
#2021 improvements to security/reliability of packaging that are possible without switching from zetuptoolz closed defect normal 1.11.0
#2022 Add *.DS_Store to .gitignore closed markberger enhancement normal 1.10.1
#2023 regression coincident with iputil fixes, on FreeBSD and Slackware closed daira defect normal 1.10.1
#2024 downloader hangs when server returns empty string new defect normal eventually
#2025 test storage server behaviour for bad container files or chunk objects assigned daira defect normal soon
#2026 storage server should file a local corruption report if it discovers a share with a corrupted container new defect normal soon
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.