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Results (201 - 300 of 3698)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#190 Easy Install Way Fails closed arch_o_median defect major
#192 README LIED AGAIN!!! closed zooko defect major 0.7.0
#193 pauses during streaming music at a party closed defect major eventually
#195 build an .exe installer for 64-bit Windows 7 (and preferably 8) closed daira enhancement major 1.13.0
#200 writing of shares is fragile and "tahoe stop" is unnecessarily harsh new warner enhancement major eventually
#201 top-level architecture document closed zooko enhancement major
#202 Norm Hardy's comments on README closed zooko defect major
#203 add deep-copy function to web API new enhancement major eventually
#204 "virtual CDs" new enhancement major
#205 checker for mutable files: make "check" button on wui work closed warner defect major 1.3.0
#206 licensing closed zooko enhancement major 0.7.0
#207 unit tests for failure modes of small mutable files closed zooko enhancement major 1.1.0
#208 unit test failure on cygwin closed nobody defect major 0.7.0
#209 solaris needs setrlimit code to increase max file descriptors closed zooko defect major eventually
#210 debian packages for pycryptopp closed warner task major 0.7.0
#211 mutable: tolerate mixed corrupt/good shares from any given peer closed warner defect major 0.7.0
#212 easy_install of a fat binary .egg which was built on Mac OS 10.4 fails on Mac OS 10.5 closed zooko defect major eventually
#213 good handling of small numbers of servers, or strange choice of servers closed enhancement major undecided
#216 mutable files: pre-generate public keys in the background closed enhancement major eventually
#217 Ed25519-based mutable files -- fast file creation, possibly smaller URLs assigned zooko enhancement major
#218 resumption of incomplete transfers closed warner enhancement major 0.8.0 (Allmydata 3.0 Beta)
#219 permissions on files containing secrets closed zooko defect major 0.7.0
#220 performance tests for decentralized secure mutable directories closed warner enhancement major 0.7.0
#221 give proper filenames on download closed warner defect major 1.1.0
#222 webapi should allow save-to-disk closed warner defect major 0.7.0
#223 unit test failure on Windows closed zooko defect major 0.7.0
#224 bandwidth throttling new enhancement major undecided
#225 v0.7.0 test grid closed zooko enhancement major 0.7.0
#226 move to foolscap-0.2.2 closed warner enhancement major 0.7.0
#227 our automated memory measurements might be measuring the wrong thing closed zooko defect major eventually
#229 setuptools fails to be satisfied with already installed Nevow and tries to install a new one closed zooko defect major 1.3.0
#231 "overwrite" button is broken closed zooko defect major 0.7.0
#232 Peer selection doesn't rebalance shares on overwrite of mutable file. new warner defect major soon
#233 creation and management of "root" directories -- directories without parents closed zooko defect major 0.7.0
#235 scale up to many nodes new enhancement major undecided
#237 webish directory page can't display more than 192 children closed warner defect major 0.8.0 (Allmydata 3.0 Beta)
#239 document new logging system closed warner defect major 1.3.0
#240 shares not uploaded to a server? closed zooko defect major eventually
#241 v0.7.0 documentation closed zooko defect major 0.7.0
#242 binary package for win32 closed robk enhancement major 0.9.0 (Allmydata 3.0 final)
#243 package including all dependencies for win32 closed robk enhancement major 0.9.0 (Allmydata 3.0 final)
#244 make binary packages for easier installation closed somebody enhancement major 1.1.0
#245 fix make clean closed zooko defect major 0.7.0
#246 fix deb builders closed zooko defect major 0.7.0
#247 automate source tarballs closed zooko enhancement major 0.8.0 (Allmydata 3.0 Beta)
#248 better automation of management of the "root director(ies)" closed enhancement major eventually
#249 move bundled dependencies out of revision control history and make them optional closed warner enhancement major 1.3.0
#250 memcheck-64 fails sporadically closed warner defect major 1.4.1
#252 smaller segments would facilitate better client progress indicators and better alacrity closed warner enhancement major 1.1.0
#253 everything stalls after abrupt disconnect closed warner defect major eventually
#254 need better user output on UncoordinatedWriteError closed zooko defect major 0.9.0 (Allmydata 3.0 final)
#255 FUSE integration doesn't have automated tests closed nejucomo defect major eventually
#256 buildbot no longer shows version stamps on waterfall display closed zooko defect major eventually
#257 can't build without darcs installed closed warner defect major 0.7.0
#258 noise from skip and todo tests makes it look like the test has failed closed zooko defect major
#259 cmdline: tahoe mkdir closed warner enhancement major 1.1.0
#260 automatic freshening of version number closed zooko enhancement major eventually
#262 'bin/tahoe' executable on win32 closed cgalvan defect major 1.3.0
#263 setuptools_darcs plugin noise on install closed zooko defect major
#264 update docs closed zooko defect major 0.8.0 (Allmydata 3.0 Beta)
#265 Prevent uncoordinated writes locally. closed zooko enhancement major 1.1.0
#267 add modify-mutable-slot performance test closed warner task major eventually
#268 implement CHK download helper new warner enhancement major undecided
#269 client should handle migrated shares by updating the write-enabler closed defect major eventually
#270 test for interrupted writes of mutable files new zooko defect major soon
#271 implement new publish/subscribe introduction scheme closed warner enhancement major 0.8.0 (Allmydata 3.0 Beta)
#274 Present a friendly error message for invalid caps, instead of a stack trace. closed defect major 1.6.0
#276 command-line: access to mutable files closed warner enhancement major 1.1.0
#277 make the wui show the underlying LAFS model -- one WUI page per link in LAFS new zooko enhancement major eventually
#278 setuptools vs. swig on debian sid closed warner defect major 1.1.0
#279 trac->mailing list closed somebody enhancement major undecided
#281 buildslaves for pycryptopp closed zooko enhancement major eventually
#282 more detailed and targeted docs about installing from source closed warner defect major 1.3.0
#283 implement mutable-file upload/download helpers new enhancement major undecided
#284 helper farm new warner task major undecided
#285 display whether using helper or not on Welcome page closed warner task major 0.8.0 (Allmydata 3.0 Beta)
#286 display IP address of peers in Welcome page, other info like nickname too? closed warner enhancement major 1.1.0
#287 download: tolerate lost or missing servers new defect major eventually
#288 resumption of interrupted downloads new warner enhancement major soon
#289 do not use plaintext passwords in the database anymore closed secorp task major undecided
#290 pycryptopp appears to have problems with amd64 linux systems (or gcc 4.1.3). closed nobody defect major eventually
#291 building mac .app - fails with unknown load command %d closed zooko defect major 1.5.0
#292 display current local node size on Welcome page closed task major 0.8.0 (Allmydata 3.0 Beta)
#293 make optional random-key vs. content-hash key closed zooko enhancement major eventually
#294 make the option of random-key encryption available through the wui and cli closed warner enhancement major 1.7.0
#295 distributed authorization of access to nodes new task major undecided
#296 enforce timeout on DYHB queries? new defect major eventually
#298 making compressed tarballs the distutils way closed warner enhancement major eventually
#299 add misc/munin files to debian /usr/share/doc/$PACKAGE/ closed warner task major eventually
#300 macfuse: need some sort of caching closed robk defect major eventually
#301 t=deep-check with JSON output, for automated checking closed enhancement major 1.3.0
#302 stop permuting peerlist, use SI as offset into ring instead? closed zooko task major undecided
#303 mutable-file retrieval: choose highest available version, not first-seen; read k+epsilon closed warner enhancement major 1.1.0
#307 maybe add node metadata? (in addition to edge metadata) new enhancement major undecided
#308 add directory traversal / deep-verify capability? new enhancement major
#309 add web page to Introducer, with client lists/counts new somebody enhancement major eventually
#310 webish page to show currently active uploads/downloads closed enhancement major 1.0.0
#312 mutable file: survive encoding variations closed warner defect major 0.9.0 (Allmydata 3.0 final)
#313 periodic automated test of prodnet grid closed zandr enhancement major undecided
#314 DNS tricks to connect clients to their own (local) node closed enhancement major undecided
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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