Custom Query (3698 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 3698)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#450 checker / repair agent closed enhancement major undecided
#453 safely add plaintext_hash to immutable UEB new enhancement major undecided
#454 make debian packages for "hardy" closed somebody task major 1.2.0
#455 setuptools sandbox isn't tight enough to hold Twisted's sand in so that it doesn't get in Nevow's eyes closed zooko defect major 1.3.0
#456 it would be nice if the dependency on OpenSSL could be automatically resolved closed cgalvan enhancement major 1.6.0
#458 "other representations" broken in webish ui closed defect major 1.2.0
#461 paste-in-a-URI form on the welcome page vs. proxies closed warner defect major eventually
#462 PUT should elicit 100 Continue new defect major soon
#463 directory isn't rendered at all sometimes closed warner defect major 1.2.0
#464 evaluate different share-storage schemes new task major undecided
#465 add a mutable-file cache new enhancement major eventually
#466 extendable Introducer protocol: dictionary-based, signed announcements closed warner enhancement major 1.10.0
#467 allow the user to specify which servers a given gateway will use for uploads new leif enhancement major soon
#468 design+build the Usage/Aggregator service new enhancement major undecided
#470 tahoe 'make' fails at twisted, on leopard (macos 10.5) closed zooko defect major soon
#471 servermap update chart doesn't fit new defect major eventually
#472 cpu monitor sometimes shows negative numbers closed defect major undecided
#474 uncaught exception in mutable-retrieve: UCW between mapupdate and retrieve new defect major soon
#477 storage latency stats break stats-provider interface closed defect major 1.2.0
#478 add memory-usage to stats-provider numbers closed enhancement major undecided
#480 mutable storage-server API needs a way to refuse shares new defect major undecided
#481 build some share-migration tools closed task major undecided
#482 build a checker/verifier that can work from just SI new enhancement major undecided
#483 repairer service closed warner enhancement major eventually
#484 client feedback channel new somebody enhancement major undecided
#485 server incident reporting closed somebody task major 1.3.0
#486 add munin graphs of server-operation latency closed enhancement major undecided
#487 add munin graphs of garbage percentage new somebody task major undecided
#488 Thunderbird plugin new enhancement major undecided
#489 reconsider update-write-enabler plan, allows an attack closed defect major undecided
#490 uninitialized memory access in TahoeFS closed booker defect major undecided
#491 URIs do not refer to unique files in Allmydata Tahoe closed zooko defect major 1.2.0
#492 mutable files: add ciphertext hash tree to signature block new zooko defect major eventually
#493 add /status?t=json closed enhancement major 1.3.0
#496 remove internal whitespace from pasted-in URIs closed defect major 1.7.0
#497 we should sign the .debs published through our APT repository closed somebody task major eventually
#500 what happens if you run out of sequence numbers in mutable files new defect major undecided
#501 NotMutableError (now NotWriteableError) escaping into the twistd.log assigned davidsarah defect major undecided
#502 remove peers from client's table upon DeadReferenceError closed defect major 1.3.0
#504 build 'tahoe debug decode' command new enhancement major eventually
#505 wanted: a setuptools plugin to make unit tests be executed with trial instead of with pyunit closed cgalvan enhancement major undecided
#510 use plain HTTP for storage server protocol closed exarkun enhancement major HTTP Storage Protocol
#511 publish Mac images somewhere closed somebody task major undecided
#512 FTP frontend needs tests assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#513 mail copies of new tickets to tahoe-dev closed somebody enhancement major undecided
#514 deep-check: progress and cancel closed enhancement major 1.3.0
#515 CLI tools for checker/repairer closed enhancement major 1.3.0
#518 'tahoe.cfg': replace (multiple) configuration files with a single file closed enhancement major 1.3.0
#519 can't Register new accounts in Trac closed zooko defect major undecided
#520 indicate size limits early in helper protocol closed defect major undecided
#521 disconnect unresponsive servers (using foolscap's disconnectTimeout) new warner defect major undecided
#522 mac buildslave produces builds lacking pycrypto closed nobody defect major eventually
#523 simplejson-2.0.1 causes unicode-vs-bytestring problems closed warner defect major 1.3.0
#526 simplify install.html so that it doesn't require GNU make closed somebody enhancement major undecided
#527 download: support Range header, in a quick hackish tempfile way closed enhancement major 1.3.0
#529 Implement Halt and Catch Fire new defect major undecided
#530 use setuptools's --multi-version mode closed zooko enhancement major 1.8.1
#531 SFTP frontend needs tests closed davidsarah defect major 1.7.0
#533 wapi: add mkdir-with-children closed enhancement major 1.6.0
#534 CLI (e.g. tahoe cp) does not correctly handle or display Unicode file/directory names, either in arguments or the local filesystem closed nobody defect major 1.7.0
#535 "recursion depth exceeded" failure during t=manifest of large directory tree closed warner defect major 1.3.0
#536 port number conflict: 8123 is (or was) used by polipo and is blocked by TorButton closed defect major 1.3.0
#538 add get_version() method to Referenceable objects, describe our versioning scheme closed enhancement major 1.3.0
#539 it should be possible to filecheck an unrecoverable file or directory closed defect major 1.3.0
#541 remove foolscap 'reference'-token bug workaround in mutable publish new defect major soon
#542 key-generator dones't work anymore closed somebody defect major 1.3.0
#543 repair/rebalancing service new enhancement major eventually
#544 'tahoe check' / 'tahoe deep-check' CLI should have prettier output assigned francois enhancement major eventually
#545 uploading too-large mutable file causes huge memory usage, 100% CPU closed defect major undecided
#547 mapupdate(MODE_WRITE) triggers on a false boundary new defect major soon
#548 mutable publish sends queries to servers that have already been asked new defect major soon
#549 MODE_WRITE mapupdate: maybe increase epsilon to handle large batches of new servers better assigned bazuka defect major soon
#550 dirnode 'delete' which hits UCWE will appear to fail, but actually succeeds closed defect major 1.3.0
#551 mutable modify() may need to publish even if retry was a NOP closed defect major 1.3.0
#552 the "webdrive" javascript frontend moves objects with delete-before-add closed defect major undecided
#553 "More Info" link should point to a file/dir, not a dir+childname closed zooko defect major undecided
#554 some directory targets in wapi/wui require trailing slashes assigned davidsarah defect major soon
#556 prepend 'application-version' with the name of this particular application closed cgalvan defect major 1.3.0
#558 kpreid says that the -SUMO tarballs don't exist closed cgalvan defect major undecided
#559 offer verify-cap in ?t=json metadata closed warner defect major 1.3.0
#561 cpu-watcher not resilient to corrupted pickles closed defect major undecided
#562 add a "censor" command to filter out sensitive information from log files new somebody defect major eventually
#563 anonymize IP addresses in log files new somebody defect major soon
#564 anonymize IP addresses in log files closed somebody defect major undecided
#565 unicode arguments on the command-line closed davidsarah defect major 1.8β
#566 host tahoe dependencies closed zooko enhancement major eventually
#567 add version info to t=JSON output data assigned rvs enhancement major soon
#568 make immutable check/verify/repair and mutable check/verify work given only a verify cap new daira defect major soon
#569 need test for advertisement of large share support closed defect major soon
#570 buildbot trac integration closed somebody enhancement major undecided
#571 trac cia integration closed somebody enhancement major undecided
#572 deferredutil.gatherResults incompatible with Twisted 2.4.0 closed nobody defect major undecided
#575 Tests fail due to sub-process tahoe environment. closed zooko defect major undecided
#576 ./bin/tahoe run appears broken. closed defect major undecided
#577 I want results to stick around until I explicitly tell them to go away (not: "unknown/expired handle") closed kevan defect major 1.6.1
#578 I want to check a file using its verify-cap. closed defect major 1.7.0
#579 report corrupted shares new defect major undecided
#580 repairer: upload fresh shares to replace corrupted shares new defect major soon
#581 time-out of results appears to happen before it is supposed to closed defect major 1.7.0
#583 repairer: test cancel, upload failure, download failure new defect major eventually
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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