Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#371 corrupted introducer.furl causes subtle startup breakage zancas new defect major
#725 We should whine if we're running as root. zancas assigned davidsarah enhancement major
#980 handle SIGHUP by reloading your config file zancas new warner defect major
#1122 failure in allmydata.test.test_runner.RunNode.test_client: 'does not look like a running node directory' zancas new drewp defect major
#1290 replace all use of pickles with JSON zancas new somebody defect major
#1153 need tests for create-{client, node} with default nodedir zancas assigned davidsarah defect normal
#1280 deal with fragile, but disposable, bucket state files zancas new daira defect normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.