Custom Query (271 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 271)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#2730 Added Missing TWN Issues to HTML assigned marlowe task normal
#2735 remove "bin/tahoe" and fancy "@" runner support new task normal
#2748 move to Versioneer for git-based version-string generation new warner task normal
#2764 publish a new (redirecting) `allmydata-tahoe` to PyPI new task normal
#2777 modernize tests new task minor
#2782 code reorg: less inheritance, more delegation/composition new task minor
#2785 docs concept: task / things-to-learn / things-to-do new marlowe task normal
#2786 split uploader/downloader into "txlafs" library new task normal
#2812 replace Twistd plugins with new `twist` tool new task normal
#2825 rewrite CLI commands to use treq or twisted.web, not httplib new task normal
#2852 move NEWS.rst into docs/, add to readthedocs build new task normal
#3400 Cut an incremental release (2020-09) new meejah task normal
#3477 Omit installing vcpython27 on Windows CI new sajith task normal
#3516 Replace allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_connections with a pytest-based integration test new exarkun task normal
#3554 Rename uri.{to,from}_string to uri.{to,from}_bytes new task normal
#3685 Integration test for upgrading from Python 2 to Python 3 new task normal
#3720 On Python 3, filesystem paths and sys.argv should use os.fsencode/os.fsdecode for encoding new task normal
#3724 Tahoe-LAFS logo and branding assets new anxhelo task major
#3755 GBS design discussion reopened task normal
#3771 Possible improvements for GET /v1/immutable/:storage_index/shares (and mutable equivalent) new exarkun task normal
#3778 No way to abort immutable upload new exarkun task normal
#3787 Batch sizes when uploading immutables are hardcoded new task normal
#3796 Add a Style Guide for Tahoe-LAFS documentation new YashNRam task normal
#3809 Rename IStorageServer to IStorageClient new task normal
#3857 Add retries to HTTP storage client APIs new itamarst task normal
#3861 Support more than just CBOR in HTTP protocol new task normal
#3884 Improved testing for HTTPS storage client logic: when server's private key doesn't match public key, and when cert is signed by well-known CA new task normal
#3906 Make max read size in HTTP storage client configurable via tahoe.cfg new task normal
#3949 Remove the Ubuntu builders from GitHub Actions assigned exarkun task normal
#3955 High-level benchmarking suite, as part of attempt to speed up Tahoe new task normal
#4011 New solution for code coverage new task normal
#4086 Release signatures (not available on PyPI any more) new task normal
#4095 Move off Trac - Initiation new task normal
#1933 announcement seqnums: respond to state-rollback new enhancement normal
#1938 make the existence of the Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation apparent new secor enhancement normal
#2054 Track unit test duration for possible regressions new enhancement normal
#2373 adopt pyrsistent new enhancement normal
#2383 CLI option to automatically start and stop a node reopened enhancement normal
#2387 transverse block-hash-trees, plus segment-hash-tree new enhancement normal
#2717 Trac email anti-blacklisting measures: DKIM new enhancement normal
#2761 self-update command new enhancement normal
#2767 Allow N, K, and H to be specified per command. new dawuud enhancement normal
#2778 add server-info pages to WUI, link there from upload/download status pages and Welcome page new enhancement normal
#2839 make statistics of (past) uploads available as JSON new enhancement normal
#2865 optionally re-enable start topology new enhancement normal
#2923 Automate (some of) NEWS generation new daira enhancement normal
#2943 "tox -e codechecks" should check for docstrings in all new code new enhancement minor
#2945 Hypothesis tests for backup behavior new enhancement normal
#2948 pull "log tub" intiailization out of Node new enhancement normal
#2951 async-friendly initializers for "NoNetworkGrid" and tests new enhancement normal
#3226 DecryptingConsumer and EncryptedTemporaryFile refactor new enhancement minor
#3235 'tahoe create-node' should configure more options new enhancement normal
#3236 Refactor /helper_status web resource new enhancement normal
#3275 Improve release process new enhancement normal
#3280 unit-test Web-UI "welcome" page new enhancement minor
#3307 refactor: centralize helper for "remove comments" new enhancement normal
#3311 Move table layout to template file in download status page new sajith enhancement normal
#3317 Provide testing infrastructure for clients new meejah enhancement normal
#3318 HOWTO / prose documentation for allmydata.testing.* new enhancement normal
#3352 Give the Tahoe-LAFS Nix package a version for `allmydata.__version__` new daira enhancement normal
#3398 Add pre-commits with lint checks assigned jaraco enhancement normal
#3407 more frequent releases new enhancement normal
#3660 Let's do a podcast! new maylee enhancement normal
#3673 add discourse to release-checklist new meejah enhancement major
#3698 Review release Checklist new amj enhancement normal
#3725 Brand trademarking for Tahoe-LAFS new anxhelo enhancement major
#3750 Improve Developer Onboarding on README new fenn-cs enhancement normal
#3766 Protocol is potentially high-latency and high bandwidth overhead for small files new exarkun enhancement normal
#3780 Get rid of allmydata.immutable.layout.WriteBucketProxy new enhancement normal
#3791 Tahoe-LAFS uses Foolscap extensively for logging but Tahoe-LAFS intends to drop its Foolscap dependency new enhancement normal
#3803 HTTP client could change upload chunk size based on how slow upload bandwidth is new enhancement normal
#3804 Data integrity check for uploads new enhancement normal
#3862 Refactor throw_out_all_data feature of new enhancement normal
#3866 Dropping Python 3.6 means we can do some code cleanup new enhancement normal
#3886 It is inconvenient to test code using `async def` using Tahoe's unittest-based testing tools new enhancement normal
#3894 There should be a discoverable development roadmap new enhancement normal
#3908 Detect invalid HTTP storage server responses early, close request new enhancement normal
#3911 Tor-specific routing policy for the HTTP storage client new enhancement normal
#3923 Refactor allmydata.immutable.encode.Encoder to separate out the uri_extension code new enhancement normal
#3924 Test for allmydata.immutable.layout.WriteBucketProxy invariant new enhancement normal
#3925 revamp "tahoe run" new enhancement normal
#3930 GitHub Actions should upload logs even if tests fail new itamarst enhancement normal
#3931 Factor functionality related to running a storage service into a separate class from `_Client` new enhancement normal
#3932 Library code to parse NURLs and fURLs new enhancement normal
#3933 upgrade autobahn new enhancement normal
#3941 When tests fail, make it easier to find why in Github Actions new enhancement normal
#3957 Make HTTP no slower than Foolscap for mutable uploads and downloads new enhancement normal
#3972 Solving `untyped-def` mypy errors in tahoe-lafs codebase assigned daniellee enhancement minor
#3973 Update twisted for type checker new daniellee enhancement minor
#3980 Even more end-to-end tests new enhancement normal
#3992 When first connecting to remote storage servers over HTTP, there are two roundtrips necessary to become live new enhancement normal
#4017 WebUI: enhance "put" operations new enhancement normal
#4025 Restore test_i2p integration test new enhancement normal
#4032 Default connection handlers should be an object, not a dict new enhancement normal
#4033 txtorcon has logic for connecting automatically to correct tor port, use that new enhancement normal
#4064 Additional metrics to gather new enhancement normal
#4069 benchmark output improvements new enhancement normal
#4072 Reduce CPU-intensive operations in the event loop thread, part 2 new enhancement normal
#4075 Another pass of upgrading dependency versions and mypy improvements new enhancement normal
#4080 Increase chunk sizes to improve performance and parallelism new enhancement normal
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