Custom Query (21 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#2335 clients shouldn't need to have persistent id anonymity privacy accounting foolscap new enhancement normal
#521 disconnect unresponsive servers (using foolscap's disconnectTimeout) availability foolscap anti-censorship new warner defect major
#541 remove foolscap 'reference'-token bug workaround in mutable publish backward-compatibility foolscap new defect major
#1448 Storage node discovery via avahi discovery introduction avahi bonjour mesh foolscap new alexs enhancement major
#687 too many "false alarms" in incident reporting error logging usability foolscap new somebody defect major
#1823 is this server telling me over foolscap that its foolscap connection to me just broke? foolscap new defect normal
#896 log more info about Foolscap disconnections on storages nodes (to twistd.log) foolscap DeadReferenceError assigned francois defect minor
#2085 Unit tests should work offline foolscap test new defect normal
#2056 bad connection hint in tub.location works once foolscap tub.location startup config error new daira defect normal
#1975 remove the last use of notifyOnDisconnect, in server selection foolscap upload notifyOnDisconnect new defect normal
#1875 Hanging on dead reference? hang crash subprocess foolscap s3-backend new davidsarah defect normal
#1730 ERROR: AttributeError('NoneType' object has no attribute 'callRemote') i2p foolscap error new warner defect major
#1021 report all exceptions logging foolscap error new warner defect major
#1815 either bridge foolscap log messages to twistd.log, or remove the section of logging.rst about that logging twisted foolscap docs assigned blaisep defect normal
#1989 foolscap: "an inbound callRemote ... failed" log entries include all arguments memory confidentiality capleak logging foolscap new warner defect normal
#1007 HTTP proxy support for node to node communication privacy anonymity firewall foolscap anti-censorship i2p new davidsarah enhancement minor
#870 Prevent socket hijacking on OSes that don't prevent it by default (Windows) security integrity confidentiality privacy windows foolscap twisted docs assigned davidsarah defect major
#1138 Timeout of Servermap Update servermap update timeout mutable download availability hang foolscap new nobody defect major
#2038 look for any Y2038 problems in Tahoe-LAFS or its dependencies time twisted foolscap new defect normal
#2336 using two copies of the same node directory fails badly usability foolscap new defect major
#2073 Wrong ports are reported for connected nodes wui tub port foolscap firewall new defect normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.