Custom Query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#295 distributed authorization of access to nodes introduction new task major
#309 add web page to Introducer, with client lists/counts introducer statistics privacy new somebody enhancement major
#344 more client-vs-server refactoring: servers-only shouldn't subscribe to storage announcements introduction performance p2p new enhancement major
#605 two-hour delay to connect to a grid from Win32, if there are many storage servers unreachable windows performance hang introduction assigned zooko defect major
#1198 Bogus tub location causes introducer error error introducer security DoS new defect major
#1448 Storage node discovery via avahi discovery introduction avahi bonjour mesh foolscap new alexs enhancement major
#1646 nondeterministic failure of mydata.test.test_runner.RunNode.test_introducer test heisenbug introducer new davidsarah defect major
#1665 Brainstorm webapi vulnerabilities between the operator and a user and between users. docs security webapi introducer accounting status websec multiuser-gateway new task major
#2887 Introducers sending duplicated announcements for upgraded nodes i2p introducer new defect major
#50 ask a peer to tell you what your IP address is (similar to STUNT/ICE) firewall availability p2p iputil introducer introduction new enhancement normal
#1478 'tahoe create-introducer' should create introducer.furl immediately tahoe-create-introducer usability easy assigned daira enhancement normal
#1765 gossip-introducer should forget about old nodes somehow gossip introduction new warner enhancement normal
#1997 Eventually remove disconnected nodes from Welcome page display node introducer wui welcome aesthetics new daira enhancement normal
#2007 unhandled errors due to "bad connection hint '<IP address>' (hostname, but no port)" introducer logging unhandled-error twisted twistd.log connection hint new defect normal
#2010 Implement shortcuts to caps usability newurls introducer security aliases new enhancement normal
#2152 have the introducer advertise the external IP it sees for a node to other nodes introducer introduction usability config tub.location firewall iputil new defect normal
#2424 Spreading servers introducer reopened daira enhancement normal
#2840 make nodes symmetric introducer introduction new enhancement normal
#2875 Multiples storage servers can be registered with the same FURL (UncoordinatedWriteError on I2P grid) i2p introduction new defect normal
#275 need more reliable way to determine when introducer is ready when started from a script (than polling for creation of introducer.furl) introducer start new somebody defect minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.