Custom Query (692 matches)


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Results (601 - 692 of 692)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Reporter Priority Type
#2422 Multiple Helpers upload-helper multiple performance reliability new daira communitycube normal enhancement
#2424 Spreading servers introducer reopened daira communitycube normal enhancement
#2425 Unreliable (including malicious) storage nodes availability reliability anti-censorship new daira communitycube normal enhancement
#2712 implement leif's magic-folder data model magic-folder new dawuud dawuud normal enhancement
#2717 Trac email anti-blacklisting measures: DKIM new ww normal enhancement
#2761 self-update command new warner normal enhancement
#2767 Allow N, K, and H to be specified per command. new dawuud PRabahy normal enhancement
#2778 add server-info pages to WUI, link there from upload/download status pages and Welcome page new warner normal enhancement
#2796 add share-type argument to storage server protocol newcaps new warner normal enhancement
#2839 make statistics of (past) uploads available as JSON new lpirl normal enhancement
#2840 make nodes symmetric introducer introduction new lpirl normal enhancement
#2865 optionally re-enable start topology new lpirl normal enhancement
#2917 `tahoe backup` could easily report size information about the backup performed tahoe-backup new exarkun normal enhancement
#2919 Encourage folks to use a third-party backup tool with Tahoe-LAFS integration instead of `tahoe backup` tahoe-backup docs new exarkun normal enhancement
#2923 Automate (some of) NEWS generation new daira meejah normal enhancement
#2943 "tox -e codechecks" should check for docstrings in all new code new meejah minor enhancement
#2945 Hypothesis tests for backup behavior new meejah normal enhancement
#2946 pass reactor as an argument to allmydata.test.test_node.testing_tub refactor new meejah normal enhancement
#2948 pull "log tub" intiailization out of Node new meejah normal enhancement
#2951 async-friendly initializers for "NoNetworkGrid" and tests new meejah normal enhancement
#2952 Runtime reconfiguration usability magic-folder new cypher normal enhancement
#3226 DecryptingConsumer and EncryptedTemporaryFile refactor new meejah minor enhancement
#3280 unit-test Web-UI "welcome" page new meejah minor enhancement
#3286 WebAPI for create-alias webapi new vu3rdd normal enhancement
#3311 Move table layout to template file in download status page new sajith sajith normal enhancement
#3318 HOWTO / prose documentation for allmydata.testing.* new meejah normal enhancement
#3352 Give the Tahoe-LAFS Nix package a version for `allmydata.__version__` new daira exarkun normal enhancement
#3398 Add pre-commits with lint checks assigned jaraco jaraco normal enhancement
#3407 more frequent releases new wearpants normal enhancement
#3506 Add Welcome page output for grid-manager status grid-manager new meejah normal enhancement
#3507 tahoe add-grid-manager grid-manager new meejah normal enhancement
#3571 Should grid-manager accept only "its" certificates? grid-manager new meejah normal enhancement
#3660 Let's do a podcast! new maylee maylee normal enhancement
#3862 Refactor throw_out_all_data feature of new itamarst normal enhancement
#3866 Dropping Python 3.6 means we can do some code cleanup new itamarst normal enhancement
#3886 It is inconvenient to test code using `async def` using Tahoe's unittest-based testing tools new exarkun normal enhancement
#3894 There should be a discoverable development roadmap new exarkun normal enhancement
#3923 Refactor allmydata.immutable.encode.Encoder to separate out the uri_extension code new itamarst normal enhancement
#3924 Test for allmydata.immutable.layout.WriteBucketProxy invariant new itamarst normal enhancement
#3925 revamp "tahoe run" new meejah normal enhancement
#3930 GitHub Actions should upload logs even if tests fail new itamarst itamarst normal enhancement
#3931 Factor functionality related to running a storage service into a separate class from `_Client` new exarkun normal enhancement
#3932 Library code to parse NURLs and fURLs new itamarst normal enhancement
#3933 upgrade autobahn new meejah normal enhancement
#3941 When tests fail, make it easier to find why in Github Actions new itamarst normal enhancement
#3972 Solving `untyped-def` mypy errors in tahoe-lafs codebase assigned daniellee daniellee minor enhancement
#3973 Update twisted for type checker new daniellee daniellee minor enhancement
#3977 Check certificates for validity grid-manager new meejah normal enhancement
#4017 WebUI: enhance "put" operations new meejah normal enhancement
#4033 txtorcon has logic for connecting automatically to correct tor port, use that new itamarst normal enhancement
#4069 benchmark output improvements new meejah normal enhancement
#4075 Another pass of upgrading dependency versions and mypy improvements new itamarst normal enhancement
#4094 Support the creation of a new directory capability with a pre-determined signature key new cypher normal enhancement
#284 helper farm upload-helper new warner secorp major task
#295 distributed authorization of access to nodes introduction new warner major task
#306 Clean up code terminology: "SSK" vs "slot", etc mutable newcaps docs new somebody warner minor task
#432 writing down filecaps: revise URI scheme newcaps newurls new warner major task
#464 evaluate different share-storage schemes performance statistics scalability backend new warner major task
#487 add munin graphs of garbage percentage statistics new somebody warner major task
#508 'tahoe debug verify-share' command tahoe-debug verify new somebody warner minor task
#656 tahoewapi: Verify against the CAJA verifier. tahoewapi new nejucomo nejucomo major task
#666 Accounting: limit storage space used by different parties accounting new davidsarah warner major task
#727 add optional-dependency on numpy numpy packaging assigned zooko warner minor task
#1184 Clean up the front page of the project site website new secorp secorp major task
#1185 discuss and select from logo designs logo new zooko terrell minor task
#1213 Should support change of hash functions security forward-compatibility integrity new somebody ruudud major task
#1276 Add recent twitter posts to front page of site website twitter new secorp secorp minor task
#1495 test forks of MacFUSE for use with sshfs on OS X Lion mac fuse osxfuse sftp sshfs new tarcieri davidsarah major task
#1665 Brainstorm webapi vulnerabilities between the operator and a user and between users. docs security webapi introducer accounting status websec multiuser-gateway new nejucomo major task
#2262 Review, New draft video for Windows Tahoe-Lafs download, install and usage video windows howto docs new JGillispie CyberAxe normal task
#2507 consider whether to use @inlineCallbacks (in tests or more generally) coding-standards inlineCallbacks twisted docs assigned daira daira normal task
#2730 Added Missing TWN Issues to HTML assigned marlowe marlowe normal task
#2735 remove "bin/tahoe" and fancy "@" runner support new warner normal task
#2741 improve the OS-X packages mac packaging new daira warner normal task
#2777 modernize tests new warner minor task
#2782 code reorg: less inheritance, more delegation/composition new warner minor task
#2785 docs concept: task / things-to-learn / things-to-do new marlowe warner normal task
#2786 split uploader/downloader into "txlafs" library new warner normal task
#2812 replace Twistd plugins with new `twist` tool new warner normal task
#2825 rewrite CLI commands to use treq or twisted.web, not httplib new warner normal task
#3477 Omit installing vcpython27 on Windows CI new sajith sajith normal task
#3516 Replace allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_connections with a pytest-based integration test new exarkun exarkun normal task
#3535 Document crypto used in grid-manager grid-manager new meejah major task
#3554 Rename uri.{to,from}_string to uri.{to,from}_bytes new chadwhitacre normal task
#3685 Integration test for upgrading from Python 2 to Python 3 new itamarst normal task
#3720 On Python 3, filesystem paths and sys.argv should use os.fsencode/os.fsdecode for encoding new itamarst normal task
#3754 Release 1.16.0 release, packaging new fenn-cs maylee normal task
#3755 GBS design discussion reopened itamarst normal task
#3949 Remove the Ubuntu builders from GitHub Actions assigned exarkun exarkun normal task
#4011 New solution for code coverage new itamarst normal task
#4086 Release signatures (not available on PyPI any more) new meejah normal task
#4095 Move off Trac - Initiation new btlogy normal task
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.