Custom Query (394 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 394)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#54 port memory usage tests to windows assigned davidsarah major eventually code
#107 command-line: progress indicators assigned zooko minor eventually code-frontend-cli
#112 command-line: give it default values for the final element of the pathname assigned zooko minor eventually code-frontend-cli
#113 command-line: do things in an incremental fashion and accept stdin as input assigned zooko major eventually code-frontend-cli
#114 command-line: multiple files at once assigned zooko minor undecided code-frontend-cli
#217 Ed25519-based mutable files -- fast file creation, possibly smaller URLs assigned zooko major code-mutable
#280 get_hash method in webapi for extension caching logic. assigned zooko minor undecided code-frontend-web
#320 add streaming (on-line) upload to HTTP interface assigned zooko major eventually code-encoding
#327 performance measurement of directories assigned zooko major eventually code-dirnodes
#544 'tahoe check' / 'tahoe deep-check' CLI should have prettier output assigned francois major eventually code-frontend-cli
#567 add version info to t=JSON output data assigned rvs major soon code-frontend-web
#573 Allow client to control which storage servers receive shares assigned daira normal soon code-peerselection
#622 add a 'repair' button on the webapi checker results page assigned Lcstyle major soon code-frontend-web
#691 improve WUI directory page according to a new user's first impressions assigned zooko minor eventually code-frontend-web
#725 We should whine if we're running as root. assigned davidsarah major soon code-nodeadmin
#836 use mkdir-with-children or set-children in "tahoe cp [-r]" assigned daira major soon code-frontend-cli
#839 Copying directories containing caps from the future assigned davidsarah major soon code-frontend-cli
#932 benchmark Tahoe-LAFS compared to nosql dbs assigned bibilthaysose major undecided dev-infrastructure
#947 Add file-with-metadata caps assigned davidsarah major code
#971 "Humanized failures" should still have a traceback, hidden by default assigned davidsarah major soon code-frontend-web
#1000 add 'Tahoe Explorer' (JavaScript-based UI) to Tahoe assigned davidsarah major soon code-frontend-web
#1091 give clearer names to the "create a directory" buttons assigned Lcstyle minor soon code-frontend-web
#1342 rename tests of packaging and improve them to avoid spurious system-dependent test failures assigned davidsarah minor soon packaging
#1356 SFTP and FTP: allow logging in with an arbitrary cap URI as root directory assigned davidsarah major soon code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#1478 'tahoe create-introducer' should create introducer.furl immediately assigned daira normal soon code-nodeadmin
#1545 add readv() API to immutable-share storage-server protocol, use in downloader assigned davidsarah major soon code-storage
#1663 Add a concise table of the URL tree to webapi.rst. assigned marlowe normal undecided documentation
#1728 add link to docs/frontends/download-status.rst from the download status page assigned Lcstyle normal soon code-frontend-web
#1782 move docs/proposed to the wiki assigned marlowe minor soon documentation
#1843 add `tahoe create-server`, define `create-node` to mean client+server assigned warner normal soon code-frontend-cli
#1871 provide interface to query lease storage information assigned davidsarah normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#1879 Glossary document assigned marlowe normal undecided documentation
#1905 add diagram of current tahoe-lafs protocol assigned davidsarah normal soon documentation
#2003 put nickname in <title> assigned daira normal soon code-frontend-web
#2238 add simpler documentation for a single server use-case assigned daira normal undecided documentation
#2268 on Unix, if filesystem and/or I/O encodings are ASCII, ignore that and use UTF-8 instead assigned daira normal soon code-frontend-cli
#2402 serve static files under a common URL assigned daira normal soon code-frontend-web
#2448 `tahoe ls $THING $OTHERTHING` doesn't work assigned jbaeth normal soon code-frontend-cli
#2502 consider switching from 'verlib' to 'packaging' for version checks assigned daira normal eventually packaging
#3398 Add pre-commits with lint checks assigned jaraco normal unknown
#3636 Re-organize Tahoe-LAFS manual's table of contents assigned sajith normal Contributor Experience documentation
#3972 Solving `untyped-def` mypy errors in tahoe-lafs codebase assigned daniellee minor undecided unknown
#49 UPnP new minor undecided code-network
#50 ask a peer to tell you what your IP address is (similar to STUNT/ICE) new normal undecided code-network
#57 logging: compress/truncate/encode/decode/format for human readability and privacy new warner minor undecided code-nodeadmin
#72 Automatic detection of configuration changes. new minor undecided code-nodeadmin
#78 Cater to rsync as a target Tahoe client. new somebody minor undecided code
#92 add upload-status page: progress and to-whom info new warner minor eventually code-frontend-web
#126 add "Invite a Friend" button new major undecided code-network
#152 build "sharing slots" / use mutable files as primitives for sharing messages new major undecided code-frontend
#169 tcp hole-punching! new ghazel major undecided code-network
#170 package Tahoe-LAFS for Fedora new ruben normal soon packaging
#172 put sparklines on front page new somebody major undecided website
#173 How does tahoe filesystem layer (lafs) handle lots of file-upload tasks? new somebody major eventually dev-infrastructure
#182 build a .pkg installer for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks (intel-x86-64) new zooko major soon packaging
#198 count TODOs, display per file new warner minor undecided dev-infrastructure
#200 writing of shares is fragile and "tahoe stop" is unnecessarily harsh new warner major eventually code-storage
#203 add deep-copy function to web API new major eventually code-frontend-web
#204 "virtual CDs" new major code-dirnodes
#215 maybe remove "string containing slash-separated names" APIs new somebody minor undecided code
#224 bandwidth throttling new major undecided code-network
#235 scale up to many nodes new major undecided code-network
#236 measure the effect of a more memory-local zfec variant on a webapi server new zooko minor undecided code-encoding
#266 when cryptography has random-access AES, update helper to use it new warner minor eventually code-encoding
#268 implement CHK download helper new warner major undecided code-encoding
#277 make the wui show the underlying LAFS model -- one WUI page per link in LAFS new zooko major eventually code-frontend-web
#283 implement mutable-file upload/download helpers new major undecided code-mutable
#288 resumption of interrupted downloads new warner major soon code-encoding
#307 maybe add node metadata? (in addition to edge metadata) new major undecided code-encoding
#308 add directory traversal / deep-verify capability? new major code-dirnodes
#309 add web page to Introducer, with client lists/counts new somebody major eventually operational
#316 add caching to tahoe proper? new somebody major undecided code
#344 more client-vs-server refactoring: servers-only shouldn't subscribe to storage announcements new major soon code-network
#375 include "retry backoff limit" in introducer announcements? new minor undecided code-network
#377 conditionalize plaintext-hasher in upload new minor eventually code-encoding
#383 large directories take a long time to modify new major eventually code-dirnodes
#386 upload status page should show nicknames new akp minor eventually code-frontend-web
#389 Implement Web Portal feature. new minor undecided code-frontend-web
#403 grid identifier new major code-peerselection
#413 mutable files: expose version info to HTTP clients new major eventually code-frontend-web
#430 upload/download status: add recently-finished operations new warner minor eventually code-frontend-web
#444 reduce number of active connections: connect-on-demand new major undecided code-network
#445 implement relay: allow storage servers behind NAT new somebody major undecided code-network
#446 shrink UEB: derive more fields from version+filesize new minor undecided code-encoding
#447 explore improved peer-selection approaches: chord, reliability-based new major undecided code-peerselection
#449 deletion: maintain per-account file manifest, cancel leases upon removal new major undecided code-storage
#451 webdav frontend new normal undecided code-frontend-web
#453 safely add plaintext_hash to immutable UEB new major undecided code-encoding
#465 add a mutable-file cache new major eventually code-mutable
#467 allow the user to specify which servers a given gateway will use for uploads new leif major soon code-peerselection
#468 design+build the Usage/Aggregator service new major undecided code-storage
#482 build a checker/verifier that can work from just SI new major undecided code-encoding
#484 client feedback channel new somebody major undecided operational
#488 Thunderbird plugin new major undecided code-frontend
#504 build 'tahoe debug decode' command new major eventually code-frontend-cli
#524 upgrade notification new minor undecided code-nodeadmin
#543 repair/rebalancing service new major eventually code-storage
#560 use validation metadata from other servers to validate this server's data? new minor undecided code-encoding
#595 get the immutable file hash of a file without uploading it new somebody major undecided code
#597 add 'tahoe mirror' command, use backupdb new major undecided code-frontend-cli
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.