Custom Query (168 matches)


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Results (101 - 168 of 168)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#107 command-line: progress indicators zooko enhancement minor eventually code-frontend-cli
#2502 consider switching from 'verlib' to 'packaging' for version checks daira enhancement normal eventually packaging
#2507 consider whether to use @inlineCallbacks (in tests or more generally) daira task normal undecided documentation
#1077 consistent timestamp format and timezone zooko defect major soon code
#1898 deep check on a non-directory gives unhelpful "400 Bad Request" error davidsarah defect normal soon code-frontend-web
#901 deprecate and remove BASEDIR/private/root_dir.cap davidsarah defect major soon code-frontend-cli
#966 document munin plugins and make them discoverable blaisep defect major soon documentation
#1516 don't catch and ignore EnvironmentError when trying to get disk stats davidsarah defect minor soon code-storage
#2331 don't display capabilities without user explicitly asking for it daira defect normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#1815 either bridge foolscap log messages to twistd.log, or remove the section of logging.rst about that blaisep defect normal undecided code
#2463 eliminate duplication between test classes Update and Version in test_mutable daira defect minor soon code-mutable
#1254 eliminate use of urllib.urlopen in check_load davidsarah defect major soon code
#406 end-to-end encoding self-test zooko defect major eventually code-encoding
#1647 errors should include a timestamp and/or request ID so that they can be correlated with server logs davidsarah defect major soon code-frontend
#1929 express documentation for web-API operations in terms of "rooted paths" marlowe defect normal soon documentation
#1641 fix regressions in convergent uncoordinated write detection kevan defect major soon code-mutable
#280 get_hash method in webapi for extension caching logic. zooko enhancement minor undecided code-frontend-web
#1091 give clearer names to the "create a directory" buttons Lcstyle enhancement minor soon code-frontend-web
#884 give nice error page when URL is mangled or from the future davidsarah defect major soon code-frontend-web
#691 improve WUI directory page according to a new user's first impressions zooko enhancement minor eventually code-frontend-web
#1336 improve the mechanism that causes test nodes to exit even if not successfully stopped daira defect major undecided code
#2257 issues on Ubuntu with the installation command used in the Linux howto video at 0:08 blaisep defect normal undecided documentation
#896 log more info about Foolscap disconnections on storages nodes (to twistd.log) francois defect minor undecided code-network
#1496 make SFTP frontend handle updates to MDMFs without downloading and uploading the entire file davidsarah defect major soon code-mutable
#2222 make a FAQ describing the impact of heartbleed on Tahoe-LAFS blaisep defect critical soon documentation
#2375 make tests work under a non-ASCII path daira defect normal soon code
#1884 mention symlinking the shares directory in configuration.rst blaisep defect normal undecided documentation
#1782 move docs/proposed to the wiki blaisep enhancement minor soon documentation
#1468 mutable.rst and mut.svg contain some dated or confusing terminology and use different names blaisep defect minor undecided documentation
#1153 need tests for create-{client, node} with default nodedir davidsarah defect normal soon code-nodeadmin
#1084 nondeterministic failure of allmydata.test.test_system.SystemTest.test_upload_and_download_{random_key,convergent} zooko defect major undecided code
#2268 on Unix, if filesystem and/or I/O encodings are ASCII, ignore that and use UTF-8 instead daira enhancement normal soon code-frontend-cli
#2334 one slow server slows down all uploads that attempt to use it daira defect normal undecided code-network
#327 performance measurement of directories zooko enhancement major eventually code-dirnodes
#54 port memory usage tests to windows davidsarah enhancement major eventually code
#1871 provide interface to query lease storage information davidsarah enhancement normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#2003 put nickname in <title> daira enhancement normal soon code-frontend-web
#699 rebalance during repair or upload davidsarah defect major soon code-peerselection
#1338 reduce CLI startup overhead by importing less daira defect major soon code-frontend-cli
#97 reducing memory footprint in share reception warner defect major undecided code
#2047 refactor *Source classes in to have a basename() method rather than passing around (name, source) pairs daira defect normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#1342 rename tests of packaging and improve them to avoid spurious system-dependent test failures davidsarah enhancement minor soon packaging
#1209 repair of mutable files/directories should not increment the sequence number davidsarah defect major soon code-mutable
#766 repair results Summary field says "Unhealthy" even though it is healthy after the repair, if it was unhealthy before davidsarah defect major soon code-frontend-web
#1106 review #1037 (SFTP) zooko defect major soon code
#1148 scripts/ is not tested directly, so can't see coverage davidsarah defect minor soon code-nodeadmin
#2402 serve static files under a common URL daira enhancement normal soon code-frontend-web
#1293 servers-of-happiness is too conservative when K = 1 davidsarah defect major soon code
#2095 sftp - unable to recognise password in private/accounts daira defect normal soon documentation
#964 show sizes in unambiguous way that doesn't get mistaken for different units zooko defect minor undecided code-storage
#554 some directory targets in wapi/wui require trailing slashes davidsarah defect major soon code-frontend-web
#1890 submit proposal for restrict-referrer-leakage to the CSP standardizers and implementors davidsarah task normal soon code-frontend-web
#1576 support running tests for an installed version without causing allmydata.test.test_runner.BinTahoe.test_the_right_code to fail davidsarah defect major soon code
#2338 tahoe backup exits nonzero if there are any symlinks daira defect normal undecided code-frontend-cli
#2025 test storage server behaviour for bad container files or chunk objects daira defect normal soon code-storage
#1881 test utility for comparing sets davidsarah defect minor undecided code
#1697 there is no test covering password-checking for SFTP or FTP daira defect major soon code-frontend-ftp-sftp
#1524 twistd can fail when checking whether a is stale davidsarah defect major undecided code-nodeadmin
#605 two-hour delay to connect to a grid from Win32, if there are many storage servers unreachable zooko defect major eventually code-network
#863 unlink file with empty name through the CLI davidsarah defect major eventually code-frontend-cli
#951 uploads aren't cancelled by closing the web page zooko defect major undecided code-frontend-web
#1252 use different encoding parameters for dirnodes than for files davidsarah defect major undecided code-frontend
#836 use mkdir-with-children or set-children in "tahoe cp [-r]" daira enhancement major soon code-frontend-cli
#1217 useless error message when I use wrong syntax for a path in CLI commands, e.g. "tahoe cp" davidsarah defect major soon code-frontend-cli
#1928 web redirects should use relative URLs davidsarah defect normal soon code-frontend-web
#1485 web-API: POSTs and GETs should be to distinct URLs davidsarah defect major eventually code-frontend-web
#2147 web.port can conflict daira defect normal soon code-nodeadmin
#1518 zero-byte MDMF reads should not fetch any segments warner defect minor eventually code-mutable
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.