Custom Query (668 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 668)

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Status: new (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2590 GET /operations/$HANDLE?output=json is not JSON defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.1
#2716 Exception on WUI defect normal code-frontend-web 1.10.2
#2717 Trac email anti-blacklisting measures: DKIM enhancement normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#2735 remove "bin/tahoe" and fancy "@" runner support task normal code-nodeadmin 1.10.2
#2761 self-update command enhancement normal packaging 1.10.2
#2768 intermittent DirtyReactor failures in test_system.Connections.test_rref defect minor code 1.11.0
#2772 Gmail Classifying TWN Emails as Spam defect normal operational 1.11.0
#2777 modernize tests task minor code 1.11.0
#2778 add server-info pages to WUI, link there from upload/download status pages and Welcome page enhancement normal code-frontend-web 1.11.0
#2782 code reorg: less inheritance, more delegation/composition task minor code 1.11.0
#2786 split uploader/downloader into "txlafs" library task normal packaging 1.11.0
#2791 Tahoe CLI / SSL certificate defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.11.0
#2793 Magic-Folder: pause uploader/downloader when enough servers go away defect normal unknown 1.11.0
#2796 add share-type argument to storage server protocol enhancement normal code-storage 1.11.0
#2812 replace Twistd plugins with new `twist` tool task normal code 1.11.0
#2822 remove redundant read from web GET of directory defect normal code-frontend-web 1.11.0
#2823 "tahoe cp FILE ALIAS:" does unnecessary directory reads defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.11.0
#2825 rewrite CLI commands to use treq or twisted.web, not httplib task normal code-frontend-cli 1.11.0
#2828 address remaining anonymity-violating linkages defect normal code-network 1.11.0
#2832 Unsigned entries in an announcement cause later entries to be ignored defect normal code-network 1.11.0
#2837 create-node --listen=tor hangs with tor- defect normal code-network 1.11.0
#2839 make statistics of (past) uploads available as JSON enhancement normal code-frontend-web 1.11.0
#2840 make nodes symmetric enhancement normal unknown 1.11.0
#2844 readiness status API for clients defect normal unknown 1.11.0
#2851 --listen=tor failure leaves partial directory in place defect normal code-nodeadmin 1.11.0
#2853 Sort out version reporting on Docker defect normal unknown 1.12.0
#2855 Last complete cycle not updating defect normal unknown 1.12.0
#2865 optionally re-enable start topology enhancement normal unknown 1.12.1
#2867 make the connect timeout configurable for production use-cases defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2869 accounting: use twisted.enterprise.adbapi instead of blocking sqlite defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2870 async initialization of Client defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2871 test_create_long_path fails ... when ... the ... path ... is ... long ... defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2874 early reporting of errors to users on the CLI defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2875 Multiples storage servers can be registered with the same FURL (UncoordinatedWriteError on I2P grid) defect normal code-network 1.12.1
#2887 Introducers sending duplicated announcements for upgraded nodes defect major code-network 1.12.1
#2890 Directory name and file name should be available in json response data defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2891 fix intermittent test coverage defect normal code 1.12.1
#2896 intermittent allmydata.test.test_introducer.NonV1Server.test_failure failure defect normal code 1.12.1
#2899 ValueOrderedDict throws IndexError when given equal non-identical keys defect minor code 1.12.1
#2900 Get rid of "tempfile" monkey-patch defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2902 double _got_introducer if main_tab isn't started before IntroducerClient added defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2905 fail harder if we can't write announcement-seqnum defect normal code-storage 1.12.1
#2917 `tahoe backup` could easily report size information about the backup performed enhancement normal code-frontend-cli 1.12.1
#2918 `tahoe backup` crashes when an upload operation fails defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.12.1
#2919 Encourage folks to use a third-party backup tool with Tahoe-LAFS integration instead of `tahoe backup` enhancement normal code-frontend-cli 1.12.1
#2927 nondeterministic failure of allmydata.test.test_introducer.SystemTest.test_system on Windows: Address already in use defect normal code 1.12.1
#2930 "AUTO" Tub location detection/assignment is silently broken when system tools are missing defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2937 check --repair crashes on LIT objects. defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2943 "tox -e codechecks" should check for docstrings in all new code enhancement minor dev-infrastructure 1.12.1
#2945 Hypothesis tests for backup behavior enhancement normal unknown 1.12.1
#2946 pass reactor as an argument to allmydata.test.test_node.testing_tub enhancement normal code 1.12.1
#2947 "tahoe ls" returns incorrect data. defect normal code-frontend-cli 1.12.1
#2948 pull "log tub" intiailization out of Node enhancement normal code 1.12.1
#2949 refactor: storage-broker should be given a client, also no circular ref defect normal code 1.12.1
#2951 async-friendly initializers for "NoNetworkGrid" and tests enhancement normal unknown 1.12.1
#2952 Runtime reconfiguration enhancement normal code 1.12.1
#2953 Update status API defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#2994 Sometimes the test suite times out on CircleCI defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3022 Servers of happiness share placement distributes storage load unevenly in small grids defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3039 allmydata.test.test_magic_folder.RealTestAliceBob.test_alice_bob sometimes fails on macOS with `Pending: set([u'file3'])` defect normal unknown 1.12.1
#3041 Testing of websocket logs defect normal code-frontend-web 1.12.1
#3226 DecryptingConsumer and EncryptedTemporaryFile refactor enhancement minor code n/a
#3228 very old d3, jquery defect normal unknown n/a
#3230 Consider switching from AES CTR to AES XTS defect normal code n/a
#3249 Hard-coded ports in integration tests defect normal unknown n/a
#3280 unit-test Web-UI "welcome" page enhancement minor code-frontend-web n/a
#3286 WebAPI for create-alias enhancement normal code-dirnodes 1.13.0
#3301 allmydata.test.test_system.Connections.test_rref can fail with "Address already in use." defect normal unknown n/a
#3318 HOWTO / prose documentation for allmydata.testing.* enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3360 test_daemonize does not explode if code is completely broken defect normal unknown n/a
#3363 port allmydata.util.encodingutil to Python3 defect normal unknown n/a
#3413 Unable to re-run flaky tests defect normal unknown n/a
#3414 Deprecations CI job fails (intermittently?) defect normal unknown n/a
#3444 PyPy CI job fails: allmydata.test.test_sftp.Handler.test_openFile_read defect normal unknown n/a
#3457 The separate introducer servers represent unnecessary complexity in an overall Tahoe-LAFS deployment defect normal code-network n/a
#3480 The introducer writes a garbage fURL if created/started without a "good" environment defect normal unknown n/a
#3484 The CI Docker image builders are hard to test and are happy to push broken images defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#3494 Stop collecting/serving dependencies defect normal unknown n/a
#3498 Mutable writes don't respect `readonly` or `reserved_space` storage server settings defect normal code-storage n/a
#3506 Add Welcome page output for grid-manager status enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3507 tahoe add-grid-manager enhancement normal unknown n/a
#3508 grid-manager integration tests defect normal unknown n/a
#3530 Stop using the mock library for testing: src/allmydata/test/ defect normal unknown n/a
#3531 Stop using the mock library for testing: src/allmydata/test/ defect normal unknown n/a
#3535 Document crypto used in grid-manager task major code n/a
#3538 Get rid of the "portnum filename" stuff in the configuration system defect normal unknown n/a
#3540 allmydata.mutable.publish.Publish.publish has unreliably covered bad shares handling code defect normal unknown n/a
#3541 CircleCI cannot find context "dockerhub-auth" defect normal dev-infrastructure n/a
#3548 test_filesystem_with_cli_in_subprocess mutates os.environ a bunch defect normal unknown n/a
#3556 docs/logging.rst has broken examples in it defect normal unknown n/a
#3559 Mention code of conduct in contributors guide defect normal documentation n/a
#3561 allmydata.immutable.offloaded.LocalCiphertextReader claims to implement IEncryptedUploadable but does not implement set_upload_status defect normal unknown n/a
#3562 IMutableFileVersion.get_servermap is unused and unimplemented defect normal unknown n/a
#3563 _tub_portlocation tries to detect port 0 configuration but does so incompletely defect normal unknown n/a
#3570 Multiple developers can sign releases defect normal unknown n/a
#3571 Should grid-manager accept only "its" certificates? enhancement normal code-nodeadmin n/a
#3573 Some typechecks fail with "Cannot determine consistent method resolution order" defect normal unknown n/a
#3597 The integration tests mix synchronous and asynchronous code in an unreliable way defect normal unknown n/a
#3601 CI builds new images for test jobs even when Tahoe's dependencies haven't changed defect normal unknown n/a
#3609 Manual quoting/escaping is scattered ad hoc throughout the web code defect normal code-frontend-web n/a
(more results for this group on next page)
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