Proposed Content-Security-Policy directive: "restrict-referrer-leakage" Specification text for : 3.4.2 SecurityPolicy [add to SecurityPolicy IDL interface keeping methods in alphabetical order] bool allowsReferrerLeakageTo (DOMString url); Methods [insert keeping method descriptions in alphabetical order] allowsReferrerLeakageTo Returns the logical and of whether the provided url _matches_ the _allowed referrer recipients_ of each of the _active CSP policies_. Parameter Type Nullable Optional Description url DOMString x x No exceptions. Return type: bool Note: the name 'allowsReferrerLeakageTo' does not have the same spelling error as the Referer HTTP header [HTTP11]. [insert section before current 4.15 report-uri] 4.15 restrict-referrer-leakage (Experimental) The restrict-referrer-leakage directive restricts which URIs may receive HTTP Referer (sic) [HTTP11] headers, or equivalent for other protocols, containing the URI of resources to which the policy applies. directive-name = "restrict-referrer-leakage" directive-value = source-list The term *allowed referrer recipients* refers to the result of _parsing the restrict-referrer-leakage directive's value as a source list_ if the policy contains an explicit restrict-referrer-leakage, or otherwise to the _default sources_. When a user agent is to _fetch a resource or URL_ as described in [HTML5] section 2.7.2 Processing model (including as part of a _preflight request_ [CORS], _cross-origin request_ [CORS], _XMLHttpRequest_ [XHR], etc.) then the fetch is a *no-referrer fetch* if: - the referrer at the "clean referrer" step of that algorithm is a _Document_ or _URL_ to which this policy applies; and - the URI to be fetched does not match the _allowed referrer recipients_. In any no-referrer fetch, at the "clean referrer" step of the fetch algorithm, the referrer MUST be replaced with the empty string. The effect is to ensure that the HTTP Referer header (or equivalent for other protocols) is omitted, regardless of the value it would have but for this policy. Any no-referrer fetch MUST be treated as a request from a "privacy-sensitive" context. [ORIGIN] If a _Document_ is created from a no-referrer fetch, its _referrer attribute_ SHALL be the empty string. Whenever a new _auxiliary browsing context_ [HTML5] is created, if its opener browsing context would be a context to which this policy applies, the getter of the opener IDL attribute on the Window object of the new context SHALL return null (instead of the WindowProxy for the opener browsing context that it would otherwise return). Implementors of user agents are encouraged to look for other situations, including any resulting from implementation-dependent features, that might result in leakage of URIs, and restrict such leakage in a way consistent with the applicable restrict-referrer-leakage policy. This includes leakage to contexts that are not clearly associated with an URI that can be matched against the allowed referrer recipients, unless the applicable policy allows transmission of the referrer to all URIs. Note: The name restrict-referrer-leakage does not have the same spelling error as the Referer header. Note: This specification should not be interpreted as preventing user agents from applying other restrictions to limit referrer leakage. Non-normative note: In particular, a user agent that never sends the HTTP Referer header (or equivalent for other protocols), for which a Document's referrer attribute is always the empty string, and for which a Window's opener attribute is always null, would not be violating either the letter or the intent of this specification. This would also be consistent with [HTTP11] (which has no normative requirement to send the Referer header, and suggests in its Security Considerations section to provide a convenient interface for users to disable sending it), and [HTML5] (which also allows user agents to be configured not to report referrers). Non-normative note: The effect of this directive with an empty set of allowed referrer recipients includes the effect of treating all links from the affected documents as having the _noreferrer link type_ [HTML5]. However, this directive: - applies to all requests, rather than only to requests made as a result of following links defined by an HTML 'a' or 'area' element; - does not require rewriting links to have the noreferrer type; - enables the set of allowed referrer recipients to be controlled, subject to any other user-agent-dependent restrictions as mentioned above; - is resistant to content injection attacks (at least in the case where the Content-Security-Policy is specified by HTTP header).