= Advanced Install =
1. Additional Build/Install Documentation
2. Packaged By The Operating System
3. Dependencies
4. Overview
5. The "Desert Island" Build
6. Installing Outside The Source Tree
6.1. Installing The Latest Release
6.2. easy_install
6.3. Debian software package (deb)
6.4. Windows Installer
6.5. Apple Disk Image (dmg)
7. Installing From A Source Tree
7.1. Creating a binary distribution From A Source Tree
8. Testing
9. Platform-specific Notes
9.1. Debian/Ubuntu
9.2. CentOS 5.4
9.2.1 Dependencies
9.3. MacOS
9.4. Windows
9.4.1. What if that doesn't work?
9.4.2. How do I make it run as a Windows service?
9.4.3. How do I make it run under a different user account?
== Additional !Build/Install Documentation ==
The quick start docs in
[http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/trunk/docs/quickstart.html docs/quickstart.html]
are sufficient to get Tahoe-LAFS running on all platforms. This wiki page is ''only'' for advanced, optional installation features and you should not read this page if all you want is to get Tahoe-LAFS running. If you have trouble getting it to work by following [http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/trunk/docs/quickstart.html docs/quickstart.html] then please write to [http://tahoe-lafs.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tahoe-dev the tahoe-dev mailing list] and ask for help.
Please feel free to add sections to this page with anything you might learn
while building Tahoe-LAFS. Information which may be useful in
the most general cases will be folded into docs/quickstart.html .
== Packaged By The Operating System ==
Tahoe-LAFS is already integrated into some operating systems. See [wiki:OSPackages the OSPackages page].
== Dependencies ==
The canonical list of dependencies and their versions is in [source:src/allmydata/_auto_deps.py]. To see the current versions of those dependencies (plus a few others like the Python interpreter and the operating system) run {{{tahoe --version}}}.
This isn't a complete list of dependencies though, because some of those packages also have dependencies of their own. To see the complete list of all dependencies, run {{{PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:./support/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ python -c "import pkg_resources;print ', '.join([d.project_name+': '+d.version for d in set(pkg_resources.require('allmydata-tahoe'))])"}}}. An example output from that command is:
`zope.interface: 3.5.0, simplejson: 2.0.7, pyutil: 1.3.30, zbase32: 1.1.1, allmydata-tahoe: 1.2.0-r3353, pyOpenSSL: 0.7, Twisted: 8.1.0-r25700, Nevow: 0.9.33-r17166, foolscap: 0.3.2, zfec: 1.4.2, pycryptopp: 0.5.12, argparse: 0.8.0, setuptools: 0.6c10dev`
Prior to Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.2b1, users running on Microsoft Windows also needed to manually install [http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32 pywin32]. This is no longer needed.
== Overview ==
Tahoe-LAFS is happy to build and run in-place, from a source tree. It is not
necessary to install it (outside the source tree) before use, but if you'd
like to do so, please read the "Installing Outside The Source Tree" section
However, it does need to be "built" before running it in place. While Tahoe-LAFS
itself is pure-python and therefore does not require a distinct compile step,
the mechanics that make it easy to run-in-place do require a setup phase. In
addition, Tahoe-LAFS uses several third-party python libraries to work its magic,
many of which are unlikely to be just "lying around" and already installed.
Several of these use compiled C code, so they '''do''' require a compile
{{{python setup.py build}}} will download and build any third-party libraries that
are not already available on your system. It will also prepare the source
tree for running-in-place. This basically does a
"{{{setup.py develop}}}" into a local
{{{./support/lib/python2.5/site-packages/}}} directory. The {{{bin/tahoe}}}
executable knows that it adds this directory to PYTHONPATH before it
does anything else.
If you need to use an HTTP proxy to access the web, set the {{{http_proxy}}}
environment variable accordingly. For example in Unix: {{{http_proxy=}}}host:port{{{ python setup.py build}}}.
After building, you can run the source tree's {{{bin/tahoe}}} script to
create, configure, and use your new Tahoe-LAFS node. As long as {{{bin/tahoe}}} is
left inside the built source tree, it can be run from anywhere (even through a
symlink). So until you delete the source tree, you can
symlink {{{~/bin/tahoe}}} to your source tree's {{{bin/tahoe}}} and then use
it as you would any other system executable.
== The "Desert Island" Build ==
Tahoe-LAFS will download and install most of the libraries it requires when you
run "{{{python setup.py build}}}". You might want to pre-download these libraries: perhaps you
are about to get on an airplane, or you anticipate having poor network
connectivity, or you just don't like the idea of a so-called compile step
using the network (the download step uses !PyPI to figure out where to
download these libraries from, so you might be concerned that it or one of
the project web pages it references has been modified to point at something
This disconnected-build operation is supported in two ways. When building
from a darcs checkout, you can download the latest "tahoe-deps" bundle from
http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/deps/tahoe-deps.tar.gz . Unpack this in
your source tree, and the build process will grab any necessary libraries
from its {{{tahoe-deps/}}} directory instead of downloading them from the
internet. You can also unpack tahoe-deps into the parent directory to share
it between multiple trees.
Alternatively, if you are building from a tarball (either a release tarball
from http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/releases/ , or a continually-generated
current-trunk tarball from http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/tarballs/ ), you
can simply download the -SUMO version of the tarball instead of the regular
one. The "SUMO" tarball includes the current tahoe-deps bundle pre-unpacked
in the source tree.
The tahoe-deps bundle is updated every once in a while, as new versions of
the dependent libraries are released, or as Tahoe becomes dependent upon new
things. The http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/deps/ directory contains
historical ones, but there should never be a reason to use anything but the
latest. The tahoe-deps bundle contains a README that has a version number.
== Installing Outside The Source Tree ==
If you want to use Tahoe-LAFS without keeping the source tree around, you will
need to actually install it somewhere.
You have several options:
=== Installing The Latest Release ===
=== easy_install ===
"{{{easy_install allmydata-tahoe}}}", on any system that has
easy_install and setuptools installed, will download the latest release of
Tahoe-LAFS (and its dependencies, all found via PyPI), build everything, and
install it into the standard place for python libraries on your system.
On unix platforms this usually goes into {{{/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/}}}
and {{{/usr/bin/tahoe}}} .
=== Debian software package (deb) ===
On Debian or Ubuntu linux systems, you can install pre-compiled packages by
adding the tahoe-lafs.org APT repository to your {{{/etc/apt/sources.list}}}
and installing the "allmydata-tahoe" package. See DownloadDebianPackages for
=== Windows Installer ===
Windows users can use an installer, which also provides the
[wiki:AllmydataDotComPage AllMyData] backup client, and a SMB/winfuse -based
frontend. These installers can be downloaded from (TODO: they're built, but
where are they downloadable?).
=== Apple Disk Image (dmg) ===
Mac users can use a .dmg file (also an installer?), which provides a simple
GUI app to launch the tahoe node.[[BR]]
These can be downloaded from ''(TODO: same problem)''.
== Installing From A Source Tree ==
These commands will take the current source tree and install its contents
somewhere else on your system. This is the traditional meaning of "install".
The "{{{setup.py install}}}" target will install Tahoe-LAFS (and its
dependencies) into the standard place for python libraries on your system: on
Unix platforms this usually goes into {{{/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/}}}
and {{{/usr/bin/tahoe}}} .
The "{{{make install}}}" Makefile target is a wrapper around "{{{setup.py install}}}"
that uses {{{--single-version-externally-managed}}} to bypass the extra
checking that setuptools does. This allows "{{{make install}}}" to work
somewhat more like traditional Unix software. However, once Tahoe has been
installed this way, it may be difficult to get it to stop using the installed
version even when using {{{bin/tahoe}}} from a different build directory;
see #1258.
("{{{make install PREFIX=/usr/local}}}" does not currently work -- see #703.)
=== Creating a binary distribution From A Source Tree ===
These commands will take the current source tree and create a single-file
installer (or some other form of binary distribution). The
installer-like-thing can then be moved to some other system and installed
The "{{{setup.py bdist_egg}}}" command will create a single-file .egg in the
{{{dist/}}} directory, which can be manually copied onto your PYTHONPATH
somewhere. The .egg will declare its dependencies, but will not include them:
you must arrange for them to be installed before the .egg will be usable.
The "{{{make deb-PLATFORM-head}}}" target (i.e. {{{make deb-hardy-head}}})
will create a debian package with the current tree's Tahoe code. This .deb
file will be placed in the parent directory. The debian package will declare
dependencies on the other libraries that it needs (like foolscap and zfec),
but it will not include any code from them. The allmydata.org APT repository
(see DownloadDebianPackages for details) has packages for the dependencies
that aren't already in Debian proper.
It is also possible to create a binary distribution using [http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bbfreeze bb-freeze].
Install bb-freeze, then in the root of a Tahoe source tree with full path
{{{}}}, on Windows do:
python setup.py build
set PYTHONPATH=\support\Lib\site-packages;\src
bb-freeze static\tahoe.py
or on Unix do:
python setup.py build
export PYTHONPATH=/support/lib/pythonx.y/site-packages:/src
bb-freeze static/tahoe.py
where x.y is your Python version. (This has not been tested on Unix.)
This should create a {{{dist}}} directory containing the bb-frozen distribution.
The [https://groups.google.com/group/bbfreeze-users bbfreeze-users] Google
group may be able to help with general questions about bb-freeze.
== Testing ==
Use {{{python setup.py test}}} to run the whole test suite. This will rebuild
if necessary.
There are a few other supported ways to run tests:
* {{{bin/tahoe debug trial}}}. This will ''not'' rebuild (if a build was needed,
some tests may fail). It accepts all of the same options as Twisted's {{{trial}}}
script; use {{{bin/tahoe debug trial --help}}} to see help for these.
* {{{python setup.py trial}}} does the same thing as {{{bin/tahoe debug trial}}},
although it doesn't support all of the {{{trial}}} options (and the test suite
must be specified using {{{-s}}}). It's supported mainly for backward
* {{{make test}}} does the same thing as {{{python setup.py test}}}.
* {{{make quicktest}}} does the same thing as {{{bin/tahoe debug trial}}}.
Running {{{trial}}} directly is not supported because it will not necessarily
put the correct libraries (the same ones that would be used by {{{bin/tahoe}}})
on Python's {{{sys.path}}}.
To run a subset of the tests after making a source change that does not require
a rebuild, {{{bin/tahoe debug trial }}} is the quickest option.
== Platform-specific Notes ==
=== !Debian/Ubuntu ===
Tahoe-LAFS is primarily developed on !Debian/Ubuntu machines. You can either build
from source (as described by this page), or download pre-compiled debian
packages for several distributions. See the DownloadDebianPackages page for
=== CentOS 5.4 ===
For installing in CentOS 5.4 you need this list of package:
yum install gcc python-devel sqlite-devel gcc-c++ openssl-devel
cpp glibc-devel glibc-headers kernel-headers libgomp libstdc++-devel e2fsprogs-devel keyutils-libs-devel krb5-devel libselinux-devel libsepol-devel zlib-devel
=== MacOS ===
You will need the standard Xcode development tools installed, or at least GCC in order to build some dependencies.[[BR]]
Note that Xcode is quite large (2.5GB) so plan accordingly if you will need to download it.
=== Windows ===
The following procedure will build and run Tahoe-LAFS on Windows. (This is basically [http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/trunk/docs/quickstart.html docs/quickstart.html] and part of [http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/trunk/docs/running.html docs/running.html] with Windows-specific paths spelled out.)
Note that this assumes that you install Python in the default location (C:\Python26), if you choose another location you'll need to adjust the instructions below:
1. Download and install Python 2.6.6 from http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.6/python-2.6.6.msi (or for 64-bit Windows, http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.6/python-2.6.6.amd64.msi ).
2. Download the latest Tahoe-LAFS release from http://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/releases/. Unpack it in a convenient place, such as C:\tahoe-lafs.
3. Open a command prompt and cd to the top of the Tahoe-LAFS tree (e.g. {{{cd \tahoe-lafs}}}).
4. Run "{{{C:\Python26\python setup.py build}}}". Wait a bit until it stops working. Note that you need a working network connection because it will download various dependencies. Ignore any warnings.
5. Run "{{{C:\tahoe-lafs\bin\tahoe create-client C:\tahoelafsbase}}}". Choose an appropriate base directory.
6. Run "{{{notepad C:\tahoelafsbase\tahoe.cfg}}}" to edit your config file. After "{{{introducer.furl = }}}", paste in the FURL of the introducer for the grid you want to connect to. See [wiki:TestGrid TestGrid] to get the FURL of the introducer for the testgrid.
7. Run "{{{C:\tahoe-lafs\bin\tahoe start C:\tahoelafsbase}}}". Your node will start running and connect to the grid. The Windows firewall may ask whether or not to allow Python to make network connections. Say yes.
{{{C:\Python26\python setup.py install}}} can also optionally be used as on other platforms.
==== What if that doesn't work? ====
The build or install steps could result in an error that says a compiler is needed. If this happens and you are using Python 2.6, it is a packaging bug that should be reported to the tahoe-dev list. If you are using a different version of Python or want to compile the C/C++ components yourself, install the MinGW C/C++ compiler as follows (this only works for 32-bit Windows):
1. Download and install MinGW from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/ (the main installer linked from the big green download button). The installer will prompt you for what components to install. You need the base components plus g++.
2. Early versions of 5.1.x of MinGW had a bug in the bundled Gnu assembler. If typing "{{{as --version}}}" at the command line gives "{{{GNU assembler (GNU Binutils) 2.20}}}", then you have an affected version. To fix this, download an upgrade to a newer version of MinGW which has {{{GNU assembler (GNU Binutils)}}} or later.
3. Configure distutils to use MinGW. To configure distutils to use mingw32, create a file called [http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/raw-attachment/wiki/AdvancedInstall/distutils.cfg distutils.cfg] in {{{C:\Python26\lib\distutils}}}, and put in that file:
4. Add the MinGW binary path to your PATH variable. To do that, go to the control panel (classic view), and double-click "System". Click on the "Advanced" tab (for Vista or later, click the "Advanced system settings" link on the left and accept the elevation prompt), then click the "Environment Variables" button. Scroll down to the "Path" variable in the "System Variables" list, double-click it, append "{{{;C:\MinGW\bin}}}" to the path, and "OK" out of all the dialogs. If you installed MinGW in some place other than {{{C:\MinGW}}}, adjust the path appropriately.
After installing the compilers, repeat the above instructions from step 4 (using a new command prompt to make sure that the environment variable setting has taken effect).
==== How do I make it run as a Windows service? ====
==== How do I make it run under a different user account? ====
1. Create the new user account if necessary.
2. Run tahoe through "runas":
runas /user:Computer\Tahoeuser "bin\tahoe start C:\tahoe-basedir"
3. Adjust file system permissions as needed and possible (Home Editions of Windows lack user interfaces to modify permissions)