This is a history of my attempts at running tahoe-lafs in a fresh pogoplug v4 with archlinuxarm: Preparation: {{{ # #Can't go straight to building v1.10 from source without gcc, so go for the AUR-based package to get dependencies installed # #Install an AUR helper, python and build tools # pacman -S yaourt python2 gcc patch .. snip .. # #Make 'python2' available as 'python' # ln -s /usr/bin/python2 /usr/local/bin/python }}} Installation: {{{ # yaourt -S tahoe-lafs }}} This is the first list: {{{ ==> tahoe-lafs dependencies: - net-tools (already installed) - python2 (already installed) - python2-zope-interface>=3.6.5 (package found) - twisted (package found) - python2-pyasn1 (package found) - python2-crypto (package found) - pycryptopp (building from AUR) - nevow (building from AUR) - python2-foolscap (package found) - python2-simplejson (package found) - zfec (building from AUR) - python2-pyopenssl (package found) - pyutil (building from AUR) - python2-argparse (building from AUR) - zbase32 (building from AUR) - python2-mock>=0.6.0 (building from AUR) }}} Arch will then try to install each of these. Some packages do not list 'arm' as a valid/supported architecture, so you will have to manually edit the PKGBUILD file: {{{ ==> Continue building python2-mock ? [Y/n] ==> -------------------------------------- ==> ==> Building and installing package ==> WARNING: Building package as root is dangerous. Please run yaourt as a non-privileged user. ==> ERROR: python2-mock is not available for the 'arm' architecture. Note that many packages may need a line added to their PKGBUILD such as arch=('arm'). ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build python2-mock. ==> Restart building python2-mock ? [y/N] ==> ------------------------------------- ==> y ==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort) ==> ------------------------------------ ==> y Please add $EDITOR to your environment variables for example: export EDITOR="vim" (in ~/.bashrc) (replace vim with your favorite editor) ==> Edit PKGBUILD with: vim .. [edited PKGBUILD and manually added 'arm' to the architectures] .. }}} The same happened to the following packages: {{{ pycryptopp zbase32 zfec }}} Eventually, all the dependencies will be installed. But my tahoe-lafs installation fails to complete because of some error: {{{ ==> Continue building tahoe-lafs ? [Y/n] ==> ------------------------------------ ==> .. snip .. ==> Tidying install... -> Purging unwanted files... -> Compressing man and info pages... -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries... ==> Creating package "tahoe-lafs"... -> Generating .PKGINFO file... -> Generating .MTREE file... -> Compressing package... /usr/bin/makepkg: line 1893: 5902 Killed ${COMPRESSXZ[@]:-xz -c -z -} bsdtar: Write error ==> ERROR: Failed to create package file. ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build tahoe-lafs. ==> Restart building tahoe-lafs ? [y/N] ==> ----------------------------------- ==> }}} And, as normal user: {{{ .. snip .. ==> Tidying install... -> Purging unwanted files... -> Compressing man and info pages... -> Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries... ==> Creating package "tahoe-lafs"... -> Generating .PKGINFO file... -> Generating .MTREE file... -> Compressing package... xz: (stdin): Cannot allocate memory bsdtar: Write error ==> ERROR: Failed to create package file. ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build tahoe-lafs. ==> Restart building tahoe-lafs ? [y/N] ==> ----------------------------------- ==> }}} Will try in an arm virtual machine with more memory. Stay tuned.