= The ''second'' Tahoe-LAFS Summit = * [wiki:Summit2Day1 Report From Day 1] This is a loosely organized gathering of Tahoe-LAFS developers, enthusiasts, and perhaps some hecklers. Attending or, at least, interested in attending: * David-Sarah, Kevan(?), Brian, Zancas, Peter(?), Zooko, Frederik(?), Gred(?), Zack Weinberg == Dates / Location == 2011-11-08 through 2011-11-11 (tuesday-friday) in San Francisco Brian is hosting the summit at Mozilla's new San Francisco office (2 Harrison St.). We have conference room space for 6-8 people from tuesday through friday (bouncing around a bit because of pre-existing meetings) and snacks/drinks/wireless. * Address: 2 Harrison St, San Francisco, CA, 94105 (in a box delimited by Harrison, Spear, Folsom, and Embarcadero, closest to the Harrison side) * Where: SOMA, at the waterfront (Embarcadero) * When: I'll be there by 9am on tuesday. * Map: [http://maps.google.com/maps?q=2+Harrison+Street,+San+Francisco,+CA&hl=en&ll=37.789031,-122.389326&spn=0.009191,0.020149&sll=37.789489,-122.388661&sspn=0.009191,0.020149&vpsrc=0&hnear=2+Harrison+St,+San+Francisco,+California+94105&t=m&z=16 map] * Parking: expensive. public transit is recommended. Use Embarcadero BART and walk south on Spear st. * Landmark: in the Hills Bros Coffee Company building (big lighted sign on the roof) * Beer: we are straight up from the Gordon Biersch Brewery, on the top floor. * Confusion: there are multiple parts to this building, with disjoint floors. We're in the part with Gensler, not the part with Google or the gym. * Entry: * walk under the [attachment:moz-tower.jpg tower] in the courtyard between the fountain and the fenced-in playground * enter the lobby doors behind the [attachment:moz-statue.jpg statue] * take the elevators to the 7th floor. If the desk guard wants you to, sign in as a guest (Mozilla, to see Brian Warner). Hopefully you can just come straight up. * tell Cristina at the front desk that you're here for the Tahoe Summit and she'll either call me or direct you to the right room * Rooms: we have to move around a bit. Think of it as a scenic tour of the office. * Tuesday: 9-10 7B, 10-12 7Q, 12-5 7B * Wednesday: 9-12 7P, 12-5 7N * Thursday and Friday: 7N * Food: there are lots of snacks and drinks, and restaurants nearby * Remoties: contact us on IRC ({{{#tahoe-lafs on freenode}}}) and we'll make something work == Agenda Items == * Review: Tahoe-LAFS v1.9 release, LAE product launch * have Brian explain how his #466 signed-introducer [https://github.com/warner/tahoe-lafs/tree/466-ed25519 code] works, commit to a public-key signature scheme (I'm lobbying for Ed25519), land the branch * decide upon a safe "web control panel" scheme * explain Brian's #666 Accounting [https://github.com/warner/tahoe-lafs/tree/accounting code] works, land the branch * discuss how accounting, #467 static-server-selection, and Invitations should interact, so Brian knows what to build going forward * discuss Performance Improvements, HTTP-only Storage Protocols, New Encoding Formats (Rainhill!) * "Do Be Evil": a tutorial: HOWTO 0wn a Tahoe-LAFS user -- by Least Authority Enterprises * add more here! == Tele Audio / Video == We should have streaming video (outbound) and sometimes multi-way audio conferencing. Both require Flash in a browser. Join IRC and ask us for the current URL, it keeps changing. == things referred to during the Summit == * http://waterken.sourceforge.net/web-key/ == Mailing List Discussion == * http://tahoe-lafs.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2011-September/006684.html -- summit announcement/suggestion == Past Tahoe-LAFS Summits == * [wiki:Summit1 The first Tahoe-LAFS Summit in June 2011]