Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TracFastCgi

2014-01-26 00:59:57 (11 years ago)



  • TracFastCgi

    v3 v4  
    13= Trac with FastCGI =
    3 [ FastCGI] interface allows Trac to remain resident much like with [wiki:TracModPython mod_python]. It is faster than external CGI interfaces which must start a new process for each request. However, unlike mod_python, FastCGI supports [ Apache SuEXEC], i.e. run with different permissions than web server. Additionally, it is supported by much wider variety of web servers.
    5 '''Note for Windows:''' Trac's FastCGI does not run under Windows, as Windows does not implement `Socket.fromfd`, which is used by ``. If you want to connect to IIS, you may want to try [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp AJP].
     5[ FastCGI] interface allows Trac to remain resident much like with [wiki:TracModPython mod_python] or [wiki:TracModWSGI mod_wsgi]. It is faster than external CGI interfaces which must start a new process for each request.  Additionally, it is supported by much wider variety of web servers.
     7Note that unlike mod_python, FastCGI supports [ Apache SuEXEC], i.e. run with different permissions than web server running with (`mod_wsgi` supports the `WSGIDaemonProcess` with user / group parameters to achieve the same effect).
     9'''Note for Windows:''' Trac's FastCGI does not run under Windows, as Windows does not implement `Socket.fromfd`, which is used by ``. If you want to connect to IIS, you may want to try [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp AJP]/[trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp ISAPI].
    714== Simple Apache configuration ==
    1017`mod_fcgid` (preferred). The latter is more up-to-date.
    12 ==== setup with `mod_fastcgi` ====
     19The following sections focus on the FCGI specific setup, see also [wiki:TracModWSGI#ConfiguringAuthentication] for configuring the authentication in Apache.
     21Regardless of which cgi module is used, be sure the web server has executable permissions on the cgi-bin folder. While FastCGI will throw specific permissions errors, mod_fcgid will throw an ambiguous error if this has not been done. (Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server)
     23=== Set up with `mod_fastcgi` ===
    1324`mod_fastcgi` uses `FastCgiIpcDir` and `FastCgiConfig` directives that should be added to an appropriate Apache configuration file:
    2738calling `trac.fcgi` instead of `trac.cgi`.
    29 You can set up the `TRAC_ENV` as an overall default:
     40Add the following to the Apache configuration file (below the `FastCgiIpcDir` line) if you intend to set up the `TRAC_ENV` as an overall default:
    3142FastCgiConfig -initial-env TRAC_ENV=/path/to/env/trac
    34 Or you can serve multiple Trac projects in a directory like:
     45Alternatively, you can serve multiple Trac projects in a directory by adding this:
    3647FastCgiConfig -initial-env TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR=/parent/dir/of/projects
    39 ==== setup with `mod_fcgid` ====
     50=== Set up with `mod_fcgid` ===
    4051Configure `ScriptAlias` (see TracCgi for details), but call `trac.fcgi`
    4152instead of `trac.cgi`. Note that slash at the end - it is important.
    46 To setup Trac environment for `mod_fcgid` it is necessary to use
     57To set up Trac environment for `mod_fcgid` it is necessary to use
    4758`DefaultInitEnv` directive. It cannot be used in `Directory` or
    4859`Location` context, so if you need to support multiple projects, try
    55 ==== alternative environment setup ====
    56 A better method to specify path to Trac environment it to embed the path
     66=== alternative environment setup ===
     67A better method to specify path to Trac environment is to embed the path
    5768into `trac.fcgi` script itself. That doesn't require configuration of server
    5869environment variables, works for both FastCgi modules
    94105After doing this, we will just have to create a new rule managed by the SCGI handler to access Trac. It can be created in a new virtual server, for instance, and will only need two rules. The '''default''' one will use the SCGI handler associated to the previously created information source.
    95 The second rule will be there to serve the few static files needed to correctly display the Trac interface. Create it as ''Directory rule'' for ''/chrome/common'' and just set it to the ''Static files'' handler and with a ''Document root'' that points to the appropriate files: ''/usr/share/trac/htdocs/''
     106The second rule will be there to serve the few static files needed to correctly display the Trac interface. Create it as ''Directory rule'' for ''/common'' and just set it to the ''Static files'' handler and with a ''Document root'' that points to the appropriate files: ''$TRAC_LOCAL/htdocs/'' (where $TRAC_LOCAL is a directory defined by the user or the system administrator to place local trac resources).
    101112sudo apt-get install python-flup
    104116== Simple Lighttpd Configuration ==
    130142using `bin-environment` (as in the section above on Apache configuration).
    132 Note that lighttpd has a bug related to 'SCRIPT_NAME' and 'PATH_INFO' when the uri of fastcgi.server is '/' instead of '/trac' in this example, see #Trac2418. This should be fixed since lighttpd 1.4.23, and you may need to add `"fix-root-scriptname" => "enable"` as parameter of fastcgi.server.
     144Note that lighttpd has a bug related to 'SCRIPT_NAME' and 'PATH_INFO' when the uri of fastcgi.server is '/' instead of '/trac' in this example (see [trac:#2418]). This should be fixed since lighttpd 1.4.23, and you may need to add `"fix-root-scriptname" => "enable"` as parameter of fastcgi.server.
    134146For using two projects with lighttpd add the following to your `lighttpd.conf`:
    159171Note that the above will result in different processes in any event, even
    160172if both are running from the same `trac.fcgi` script.
    162175#!div class=important
    163176'''Note''' It's very important the order on which server.modules are loaded, if mod_auth is not loaded '''BEFORE''' mod_fastcgi, then the server will fail to authenticate the user.
    165179For authentication you should enable mod_auth in lighttpd.conf 'server.modules', select auth.backend and auth rules:
    210224server.modules += ("mod_alias")
    212 # Setup an alias for the static resources
     226# Set up an alias for the static resources
    213227alias.url = ("/trac/chrome/common" => "/usr/share/trac/htdocs")
    276290For details about languages specification see [trac:TracFaq TracFaq] question 2.13.
    278 Other important information like [ this updated TracInstall page], [wiki:TracCgi#MappingStaticResources and this] are useful for non-fastcgi specific installation aspects.
    280 If you use trac-0.9, read [ about small bug]
     292Other important information like the [wiki:TracInstall#MappingStaticResources mapping static resources advices] are useful for non-fastcgi specific installation aspects.
    282295Relaunch lighttpd, and browse to `` to access Trac.
    284297Note about running lighttpd with reduced permissions:
    286   If nothing else helps and trac.fcgi doesn't start with lighttpd settings `server.username = "www-data"`, `server.groupname = "www-data"`, then in the `bin-environment` section set `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` to the home directory of `www-data` or some other directory accessible to this account for writing.
     299If nothing else helps and trac.fcgi doesn't start with lighttpd settings `server.username = "www-data"`, `server.groupname = "www-data"`, then in the `bin-environment` section set `PYTHON_EGG_CACHE` to the home directory of `www-data` or some other directory accessible to this account for writing.
    293306!LiteSpeed web server is an event-driven asynchronous Apache replacement designed from the ground-up to be secure, scalable, and operate with minimal resources. !LiteSpeed can operate directly from an Apache config file and is targeted for business-critical environments.
    295 === Setup ===
    297308 1. Please make sure you have first have a working install of a Trac project. Test install with “tracd” first.
    356368== Simple Nginx Configuration ==
    358  1. Nginx configuration snippet - confirmed to work on 0.6.32
     370Nginx is able to communicate with FastCGI processes, but can not spawn them. So you need to start FastCGI server for Trac separately.
     372 1. Nginx configuration with basic authentication handled by Nginx - confirmed to work on 0.6.32
    360374    server {
    375389        if ($uri ~ ^/(.*)) {
    376390             set $path_info /$1;
     391        }
     393        # it makes sense to serve static resources through Nginx
     394        location /chrome/ {
     395             alias /home/trac/instance/static/htdocs/;
    377396        }
    403422            fastcgi_param  SERVER_PORT        $server_port;
    404423            fastcgi_param  SERVER_PROTOCOL    $server_protocol;
    405             fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING     $query_string;
    407             # for authentication to work
     424            fastcgi_param  QUERY_STRING       $query_string;
     426            # For Nginx authentication to work - do not forget to comment these
     427            # lines if not using Nginx for authentication
    408428            fastcgi_param  AUTH_USER          $remote_user;
    409429            fastcgi_param  REMOTE_USER        $remote_user;
     431            # for ip to work
     432            fastcgi_param REMOTE_ADDR         $remote_addr;
     434            # For attchments to work
     435            fastcgi_param    CONTENT_TYPE     $content_type;
     436            fastcgi_param    CONTENT_LENGTH   $content_length;
    410437        }
    411438    }