Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TracInstall

2014-01-26 00:59:57 (11 years ago)



  • TracInstall

    v3 v4  
    44Trac is written in the Python programming language and needs a database, [ SQLite], [ PostgreSQL], or [ MySQL]. For HTML rendering, Trac uses the [ Genshi] templating system.
    6 Since version 0.12, Trac can also be localized, and there's probably a translation available for your language. If you want to be able to use the Trac interface in other languages, then make sure you **first** have installed the optional package [#OtherPythonPackages Babel]. Lacking Babel, you will only get the default english version, as usual. If you install Babel later on, you will need to re-install Trac.
     6Since version 0.12, Trac can also be localized, and there's probably a translation available for your language. If you want to be able to use the Trac interface in other languages, then make sure you **first** have installed the optional package [#OtherPythonPackages Babel]. Lacking Babel, you will only get the default English version, as usual. If you install Babel later on, you will need to re-install Trac.
    88If you're interested in contributing new translations for other languages or enhance the existing translations, then please have a look at [trac:wiki:TracL10N TracL10N].
    10 What follows are generic instructions for installing and setting up Trac and its requirements. While you may find instructions for installing Trac on specific systems at TracInstallPlatforms on the main Trac site, please be sure to '''first read through these general instructions''' to get a good understanding of the tasks involved.
     10What follows are generic instructions for installing and setting up Trac and its requirements. While you may find instructions for installing Trac on specific systems at [trac:wiki:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms] on the main Trac site, please be sure to '''first read through these general instructions''' to get a good understanding of the tasks involved.
    1212[[PageOutline(2-3,Installation Steps,inline)]]
    1818 * [ Python], version >= 2.4 and < 3.0
    19    (note that we dropped the support for Python 2.3 in this release)
     19   //(note that we dropped the support for Python 2.3 in this release and that this will be the last Trac release supporting Python 2.4)//
    2020 * [ setuptools], version >= 0.6
    21  * [ Genshi], version >= 0.6
     21 * [ Genshi], version >= 0.6 (but < 0.7dev, i.e. don't use Genshi trunk)
    2323You also need a database system and the corresponding python bindings.
    7676===== Subversion =====
    77  * [ Subversion], 1.5.x or 1.6.x and the '''''corresponding''''' Python bindings. Older versions starting from 1.4.0, etc. should still work. For troubleshooting information, check the [trac:TracSubversion#Troubleshooting TracSubversion] page. Versions prior to 1.4.0 won't probably work since trac uses svn core functionality (e.g. svn_path_canonicalize) that is not implemented in the python swig wrapper in svn <= 1.3.x (although it exists in the svn lib itself).
    79 There are [ pre-compiled SWIG bindings] available for various platforms. (Good luck finding precompiled SWIG bindings for any Windows package at that listing. TracSubversion points you to [ Algazam], which works for me under Python 2.6.)
    81 Note that Trac '''doesn't''' use [ PySVN], neither does it work yet with the newer `ctype`-style bindings. [Is there a ticket for implementing ctype bindings?]
    84 '''Please note:''' if using Subversion, Trac must be installed on the '''same machine'''. Remote repositories are currently [trac:ticket:493 not supported].
     78[ Subversion] 1.5.x or 1.6.x and the '''''corresponding''''' Python bindings.
     80There are [ pre-compiled SWIG bindings] available for various platforms. See also the TracSubversion page for details about Windows packages.
     82Older versions starting from 1.4.0, etc. should still work. For troubleshooting information, check the [trac:TracSubversion#Troubleshooting TracSubversion] page. Versions prior to 1.4.0 won't probably work since trac uses svn core functionality (e.g. svn_path_canonicalize) that is not implemented in the python swig wrapper in svn <= 1.3.x (although it exists in the svn lib itself).
     84Note that Trac '''doesn't''' use [ PySVN], neither does it work yet with the newer `ctype`-style bindings.
     86'''Please note:''' if using Subversion, Trac must be installed on the '''same machine'''. Remote repositories are currently [trac:#493 not supported].
    8789===== Others =====
    89 Support for other version control systems is provided via third-parties. See [trac:PluginList] and [trac:VersioningSystemBackend].
     91Support for other version control systems is provided via third-parties. See [trac:PluginList] and [trac:VersionControlSystem].
    9193==== Web Server ====
    9496Alternatively you configure Trac to run in any of the following environments.
    9597 * [ Apache] with
    96    - [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] and
    98    - [ mod_python 3.3.1], deprecated: see TracModPython)
    99  * a [ FastCGI]-capable web server (see TracFastCgi)
    100  * an [ AJP]-capable web
    101    server (see [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp])
    102  * a CGI-capable web server (see TracCgi), '''but usage of Trac as a cgi script
    103    is highly discouraged''', better use one of the previous options.
     98   - [ mod_wsgi], see [wiki:TracModWSGI] (preferred)
     99   - //[ mod_python 3.3.1], see TracModPython (deprecated)//
     100 * any [ FastCGI]-capable web server, see TracFastCgi
     101 * any [ AJP]-capable web
     102   server, see [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp]
     103 * IIS with [ Isapi-wsgi], see [trac:TracOnWindowsIisIsapi]
     104 * //as a last resort, a CGI-capable web server (see TracCgi), but usage of Trac as a cgi script
     105   is highly discouraged, better use one of the previous options.//
    106108==== Other Python Packages ====
    108  * [ Babel], version >= 0.9.5,
     110 * [ Babel], version 0.9.5,
    109111   needed for localization support[[BR]]
    110112   ''Note: '' If you want to be able to use the Trac interface in other languages, then make sure you first have installed the optional package Babel. Lacking Babel, you will only get the default english version, as usual. If you install Babel later on, you will need to re-install Trac.
    132134A few examples:
    134  - first install of the latest stable version Trac 0.12.1, with i18n support:
     136 - first install of the latest stable version Trac 0.12.3, with i18n support:
    135137   {{{
    136    easy_install Babel==0.9.5 Genshi==0.6
    137    easy_install Trac
     138   easy_install Babel==0.9.5
     139   easy_install Trac==0.12
    138140   }}}
    139141   ''It's very important to run the two `easy_install` commands separately, otherwise the message catalogs won't be generated.''
    144146   }}}
    146  - upgrade to the latest trunk development version (0.13dev):
     148 - upgrade to the latest trunk development version:
    147149   {{{
    148150   easy_install -U Trac==dev
    154156If you want more control, you can download the source in archive form, or do a checkout from one of the official [[Trac:TracRepositories|source code repositories]].
    156 Be sure to have the prerequisites already installed. You can also obtain the Genshi and Babel source packages from and follow for them a similar installation procedure, or you can just easy_install those, see [#Usingeasy_install above].
     158Be sure to have the prerequisites already installed. You can also obtain the Genshi and Babel source packages from and follow for them a similar installation procedure, or you can just `easy_install` those, see [#Usingeasy_install above].
    158160Once you've unpacked the Trac archive or performed the checkout, move in the top-level folder and do:
    163 ''You'll need root permissions or equivalent for this step.''
     165You'll need root permissions or equivalent for this step.
    165167This will byte-compile the python source code and install it as an .egg file or folder in the `site-packages` directory
    176178=== Advanced Options ===
     180==== Custom location with `easy_install`
    178182To install Trac to a custom location, or find out about other advanced installation options, run:
    195199The above will place your `tracd` and `trac-admin` commands into `/usr/local/bin` and will install the Trac libraries and dependencies into `/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages`, which is Apple's preferred location for third-party Python application installations.
    197 === Using `pip`
     201==== Using `pip`
    198202'pip' is an easy_install replacement that is very useful to quickly install python packages.
    199203To get a trac installation up and running in less than 5 minutes:
    251 == Running the Standalone Server ==
     255== Deploying Trac
     257=== Running the Standalone Server ===
    253259After having created a Trac environment, you can easily try the web interface by running the standalone server [wiki:TracStandalone tracd]:
    263 == Running Trac on a Web Server ==
    265 Trac provides various options for connecting to a "real" web server: [wiki:TracCgi CGI], [wiki:TracFastCgi FastCGI], [wiki:TracModWSGI mod_wsgi] and [wiki:TracModPython mod_python]. For decent performance, it is recommended that you use either FastCGI or mod_wsgi.
    267 Trac also supports [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp AJP] which may be your choice if you want to connect to IIS.
    269 ==== Generating the Trac cgi-bin directory ====
     269=== Running Trac on a Web Server ===
     271Trac provides various options for connecting to a "real" web server:
     272 - [wiki:TracFastCgi FastCGI]
     273 - [wiki:TracModWSGI mod_wsgi]
     274 - //[wiki:TracModPython mod_python] (no longer recommended, as mod_python is not actively maintained anymore)//
     275 - //[wiki:TracCgi CGI] (should not be used, as the performance is far from optimal)//
     277Trac also supports [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp AJP] which may be your choice if you want to connect to IIS. Other deployment scenarios are possible: [trac:TracNginxRecipe nginx], [ uwsgi], [trac:TracOnWindowsIisIsapi Isapi-wsgi] etc.
     279==== Generating the Trac cgi-bin directory ==== #cgi-bin
    271281In order for Trac to function properly with FastCGI you need to have a `trac.fcgi` file and for mod_wsgi a `trac.wsgi` file. These are Python scripts which load the appropriate Python code. They can be generated using the `deploy` option of [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin].
     292==== Mapping Static Resources ====
     294Out of the box, Trac will pass static resources such as style sheets or images through itself. For anything but a tracd only based deployment, this is far from optimal as the web server could be set up to directly serve those static resources (for CGI setup, this is '''highly undesirable''' and will cause abysmal performance).
     296Web servers such as [ Apache] allow you to create “Aliases” to resources, giving them a virtual URL that doesn't necessarily reflect the layout of the servers file system. We also can map requests for static resources directly to the directory on the file system, avoiding processing these requests by Trac itself.
     298There are two primary URL paths for static resources - `/chrome/common` and `/chrome/site`. Plugins can add their own resources, usually accessible by `/chrome/<plugin>` path, so its important to override only known paths and not try to make universal `/chrome` alias for everything.
     300Note that in order to get those static resources on the filesystem, you need first to extract the relevant resources from Trac using the [TracAdmin trac-admin]` <environment> deploy` command:
     303The target `<directory>` will then contain an `htdocs` directory with:
     304 - `site/` - a copy of the environment's directory `htdocs/`
     305 - `common/` - the static resources of Trac itself
     306 - `<plugins>/` - one directory for each resource directory managed by the plugins enabled for this environment
     308===== Example: Apache and `ScriptAlias` ===== #ScriptAlias-example
     310Assuming the deployment has been done this way:
     312$ trac-admin /var/trac/env deploy /path/to/trac/htdocs/common
     315Add the following snippet to Apache configuration ''before'' the `ScriptAlias` or `WSGIScriptAlias` (which map all the other requests to the Trac application), changing paths to match your deployment:
     317Alias /trac/chrome/common /path/to/trac/htdocs/common
     318Alias /trac/chrome/site /path/to/trac/htdocs/site
     320<Directory "/path/to/www/trac/htdocs">
     321  Order allow,deny
     322  Allow from all
     326If using mod_python, you might want to add this too (otherwise, the alias will be ignored):
     328<Location "/trac/chrome/common/">
     329  SetHandler None
     333Note that we mapped `/trac` part of the URL to the `trac.*cgi` script, and the path `/trac/chrome/common` is the path you have to append to that location to intercept requests to the static resources.
     335Similarly, if you have static resources in a project's `htdocs` directory (which is referenced by `/trac/chrome/site` URL in themes), you can configure Apache to serve those resources (again, put this ''before'' the `ScriptAlias` or `WSGIScriptAlias` for the .*cgi scripts, and adjust names and locations to match your installation):
     337Alias /trac/chrome/site /path/to/projectenv/htdocs
     339<Directory "/path/to/projectenv/htdocs">
     340  Order allow,deny
     341  Allow from all
     345Alternatively to aliasing `/trac/chrome/common`, you can tell Trac to generate direct links for those static resources (and only those), using the [[wiki:TracIni#trac-section| [trac] htdocs_location]] configuration setting:
     348htdocs_location =
     350Note that this makes it easy to have a dedicated domain serve those static resources (preferentially [ cookie-less]).
     352Of course, you still need to make the Trac `htdocs/common` directory available through the web server at the specified URL, for example by copying (or linking) the directory into the document root of the web server:
     354$ ln -s /path/to/trac/htdocs/common /var/www/
    281358==== Setting up the Plugin Cache ====
    285362== Configuring Authentication ==
    287 The process of adding, removing, and configuring user accounts for authentication depends on the specific way you run Trac. The basic procedure is described in the [wiki:TracCgi#AddingAuthentication "Adding Authentication"] section on the TracCgi page. To learn how to setup authentication for the frontend you're using, please refer to one of the following pages:
    289  * TracStandalone if you use the standalone server, `tracd`.
    290  * TracCgi if you use the CGI or FastCGI web front ends.
    291  * [wiki:TracModWSGI] if you use the Apache mod_wsgi web front end.
    292  * TracModPython if you use the Apache mod_python web front end.
    295 == Automatic reference to the SVN changesets in Trac tickets ==
     364Trac uses HTTP authentication. You'll need to configure your webserver to request authentication when the `.../login` URL is hit (the virtual path of the "login" button). Trac will automatically pick the REMOTE_USER variable up after you provide your credentials. Therefore, all user management goes through your web server configuration. Please consult the documentation of your web server for more info.
     366The process of adding, removing, and configuring user accounts for authentication depends on the specific way you run Trac.
     368Please refer to one of the following sections:
     369 * TracStandalone#UsingAuthentication if you use the standalone server, `tracd`.
     370 * [wiki:TracModWSGI#ConfiguringAuthentication TracModWSGI#ConfiguringAuthentication] if you use the Apache web server, with any of its front end: `mod_wsgi` of course, but the same instructions applies also for `mod_python`, `mod_fcgi` or `mod_fastcgi`.
     371 * TracFastCgi if you're using another web server with FCGI support (Cherokee, Lighttpd, !LiteSpeed, nginx)
     373== Granting admin rights to the admin user
     374Grant admin rights to user admin:
     376$ trac-admin /path/to/myproject permission add admin TRAC_ADMIN
     378This user will have an "Admin" entry menu that will allow you to admin your trac project.
     380== Finishing the install
     382=== Automatic reference to the SVN changesets in Trac tickets ===
    297384You can configure SVN to automatically add a reference to the changeset into the ticket comments, whenever changes are committed to the repository. The description of the commit needs to contain one of the following formulas:
    305392For more information, see the documentation of the `CommitTicketUpdater` component in the "Plugins" admin panel.
    307 == Using Trac ==
     394=== Using Trac ===
    309396Once you have your Trac site up and running, you should be able to create tickets, view the timeline, browse your version control repository if configured, etc.
    311 Keep in mind that anonymous (not logged in) users can by default access most but not all of the features. You will need to configure authentication and grant additional [wiki:TracPermissions permissions] to authenticated users to see the full set of features.
     398Keep in mind that //anonymous// (not logged in) users can by default access only a few of the features, in particular they will have a read-only access to the resources. You will need to configure authentication and grant additional [wiki:TracPermissions permissions] to authenticated users to see the full set of features.
    313400'' Enjoy! ''
    318 See also: [trac:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms], TracGuide, TracCgi, TracFastCgi, TracModPython, [wiki:TracModWSGI], TracUpgrade, TracPermissions
     405See also: [trac:TracInstallPlatforms TracInstallPlatforms], TracGuide, TracUpgrade, TracPermissions