Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TracStandalone

2008-05-02 03:00:44 (16 years ago)



  • TracStandalone

    v1 v1  
     1= Tracd =
     3Tracd is a lightweight standalone Trac web server. In most cases it's easier to setup and runs faster than the [wiki:TracCgi CGI script].
     5== Pros ==
     7 * Fewer dependencies: You don't need to install apache or any other web-server.
     8 * Fast: Should be almost as fast as the [wiki:TracModPython mod_python] version (and much faster than the [wiki:TracCgi CGI]).
     9 * Automatic reloading: For development, Tracd can be used in ''auto_reload'' mode, which will automatically restart the server whenever you make a change to the code (in Trac itself or in a plugin).
     11== Cons ==
     13 * Fewer features: Tracd implements a very simple web-server and is not as configurable or as scalable as Apache HTTPD.
     14 * No native HTTPS support: [ sslwrap] can be used instead,
     15   or [ stunnel -- a tutorial on how to use stunnel with tracd] or Apache with mod_proxy.
     17== Usage examples ==
     19A single project on port 8080. (http://localhost:8080/)
     21 $ tracd -p 8080 /path/to/project
     23Stricly speaking this will make your Trac accessible to everybody from your network rather than ''localhost only''. To truly limit it use ''--hostname'' option.
     25 $ tracd --hostname=localhost -p 8080 /path/to/project
     27With more than one project. (http://localhost:8080/project1/ and http://localhost:8080/project2/)
     29 $ tracd -p 8080 /path/to/project1 /path/to/project2
     32You can't have the last portion of the path identical between the projects since Trac uses that name to keep the URLs of the
     33different projects unique. So if you use `/project1/path/to` and `/project2/path/to`, you will only see the second project.
     35An alternative way to serve multiple projects is to specify a parent directory in which each subdirectory is a Trac project, using the `-e` option. The example above could be rewritten:
     37 $ tracd -p 8080 -e /path/to
     40To exit the server on Windows, be sure to use {{{CTRL-BREAK}}} -- using {{{CTRL-C}}} will leave a Python process running in the background.
     43== Using Authentication ==
     45Tracd provides support for both Basic and Digest authentication. The default is to use Digest; to use Basic authentication, replace `--auth` with `--basic-auth` in the examples below. (You must still specify a dialogic "realm", which can be an empty string by trailing the BASICAUTH with a comma.)
     47  ''Support for Basic authentication was added in version 0.9.''
     49The general format for using authentication is:
     52 $ tracd -p port --auth=base_project_dir,password_file_path,realm project_path
     57 * '''base_project_dir''' is the base directory of the project; note: this doesn't refer to the project name, and it is case-sensitive even for windows environments
     58 * '''password_file_path''' path of the password file
     59 * '''realm''' realm
     60 * '''project_path''' path of the project
     65 $ tracd -p 8080 \
     66   --auth=project1,/path/to/users.htdigest, /path/to/project1
     68Of course, the digest file can be be shared so that it is used for more than one project:
     70 $ tracd -p 8080 \
     71   --auth=project1,/path/to/users.htdigest, \
     72   --auth=project2,/path/to/users.htdigest, \
     73   /path/to/project1 /path/to/project2
     76Another way to share the digest file is to specify "*"
     77for the project name:
     79 $ tracd -p 8080 \
     80   --auth=*,/path/to/users.htdigest, \
     81   /path/to/project1 /path/to/project2
     84== How to set up an htdigest password file ==
     86If you have Apache available, you can use the htdigest command to generate the password file. Type 'htdigest' to get some usage instructions, or read [ this page] from the Apache manual to get precise instructions.  You'll be prompted for a password to enter for each user that you create.  For the name of the password file, you can use whatever you like, but if you use something like `users.htdigest` it will remind you what the file contains. As a suggestion, put it in your <projectname>/conf folder along with the [TracIni trac.ini] file.
     88Note that you can start tracd without the --auth argument, but if you click on the ''Login'' link you will get an error.
     90== Generating Passwords Without Apache ==
     92If you don't have Apache available, you can use this simple Python script to generate your passwords:
     96from optparse import OptionParser
     97import md5
     99# build the options
     100usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
     101parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
     102parser.add_option("-u", "--username",action="store", dest="username", type = "string",
     103                  help="the username for whom to generate a password")
     104parser.add_option("-p", "--password",action="store", dest="password", type = "string",
     105                  help="the password to use")
     106(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
     108# check options
     109if (options.username is None) or (options.password is None):
     110   parser.error("You must supply both the username and password")
     112# Generate the string to enter into the htdigest file
     113realm = 'trac'
     114kd = lambda x: md5.md5(':'.join(x)).hexdigest()
     115print ':'.join((options.username, realm, kd([options.username, realm, options.password])))
     118Note: If you use the above script you must use the --auth option to tracd, not --basic-auth, and you must set the realm in the --auth value to 'trac' (without the quotes). Example usage (assuming you saved the script as
     121python -u username -p password >> c:\digest.txt
     122tracd --port 8000 --auth=proj_name,c:\digest.txt,trac c:\path\to\proj_name
     125Note: If you would like to use --basic-auth you need to use htpasswd tool from apache server to generate .htpasswd file. The remaining part is similar but make sure to use empty realm (i.e. coma after path). When using on Windows make sure to use -m option for it (did not tested it on *nix, so not sure if that is the case there).
     127== Tips ==
     129=== Serving static content ===
     131If `tracd` is the only webserver used for the project,
     132it can also be used to distribute static content
     133(tarballs, Doxygen documentation, etc.)
     135This static content should be put in the `$TRAC_ENV/htdocs` folder,
     136and is accessed by URLs like `<project_URL>/chrome/site/...`.
     138Example: given a `$TRAC_ENV/htdocs/software-0.1.tar.gz` file,
     139the corresponding relative URL would be `/<project_name>/chrome/site/software-0.1.tar.gz`,
     140which in turn can be written using the relative link syntax
     141in the Wiki: `[/<project_name>/chrome/site/software-0.1.tar.gz]`
     143The development version of Trac supports a new `htdocs:` TracLinks
     144syntax for the above. With this, the example link above can be written simply
     147=== Using apache rewrite rules ===
     148In some situations when you choose to use tracd behind apache, you might experience issues with redirects, like being redirected to URLs with the wrong host or protocol. In this case (and only in this case), setting the `[trac] use_base_url_for_redirect` to `true` can help, as this will force Trac to use the value of `[trac] base_url` for doing the redirects.
     150=== Serving a different base path than / ===
     151Tracd supports serving projects with different base urls then /<project>. The parameter name to change this is
     153tracd --base-path=/some/path
     157See also: TracInstall, TracCgi, TracModPython, TracGuide