Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of TracWiki

2011-11-11 14:14:47 (13 years ago)



  • TracWiki

    v2 v3  
    66Editing wiki text is easy, using any web browser and a simple [WikiFormatting formatting system], rather than more complex markup languages like HTML.  The reasoning behind its design is that HTML, with its large collection of nestable tags, is too complicated to allow fast-paced editing, and distracts from the actual content of the pages. Note though that Trac also supports [WikiHtml HTML], [WikiRestructuredText reStructuredText] and [ Textile] as alternative markup formats.
    8 The main goal of the wiki is to make editing text easier and ''encourage'' people to contribute and annotate text content for a project. Trac also provides a simple toolbar to make formatting text even easier.
     8The main goal of the wiki is to make editing text easier and ''encourage'' people to contribute and annotate text content for a project. Trac also provides a simple toolbar to make formatting text even easier, and supports the [ universal edit button] of your browser.
    1010The wiki itself does not enforce any structure, but rather resembles a stack of empty sheets of paper, where you can organize information and documentation as you see fit, and later reorganize if necessary.
    1313For example, the ''[ Style Guide for online hypertext]'' explains how to think about the
    1414[ overall structure of a work]
    15 and how to organize information [ within each document]. One of the most important is “make your HTML page such that you can read it even if you don't follow any links.”
     15and how to organize information [ within each document]. One of the most important tip is “make your HTML page such that you can read it even if you don't follow any links.”
    1717Learn more about: