Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TracWorkflow

2014-01-26 00:59:57 (11 years ago)



  • TracWorkflow

    v3 v4  
    5252 - del_resolution -- Clears the resolution field
    5353 - set_resolution -- Sets the resolution to the selected value.
    54    - ''actionname''`.set_resolution` may optionally be set to a comma delimited list or a single value.
    55 {{{
    56 Example:
     54   - ''actionname''`.set_resolution` may optionally be set to a comma delimited list or a single value. Example:
     55     {{{
    5856resolve_new = new -> closed = resolve
    6159resolve_new.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
    6260resolve_new.set_resolution = invalid,wontfix
    63 }}}
     61     }}}
    6462 - leave_status -- Displays "leave as <current status>" and makes no change to the ticket.
    6563'''Note:''' Specifying conflicting operations (such as `set_owner` and `del_owner`) has unspecified results.
    118116=== How to combine the `tracopt.ticket.commit_updater` with the testing workflow ===
    120 The [[source:trunk/tracopt/ticket/|tracopt.ticket.commit_updater]] is the optional component that [[TracRepositoryAdmin#trac-post-commit-hook|replaces the old trac-post-commit-hook]], in Trac 0.12.
     118The [[trac:source:trunk/tracopt/ticket/|tracopt.ticket.commit_updater]] is the optional component that [[TracRepositoryAdmin#trac-post-commit-hook|replaces the old trac-post-commit-hook]], in Trac 0.12.
    122120By default it reacts on some keywords found in changeset message logs like ''close'', ''fix'' etc. and performs the corresponding workflow action.
    124122If you have a more complex workflow, like the testing stage described above and you want the ''closes'' keyword to move the ticket to the ''testing'' status instead of the ''closed'' status, you need to adapt the code a bit.
    126 Have a look at the [[0.11/TracWorkflow#How-ToCombineSVNtrac-post-commit-hookWithTestWorkflow|Trac 0.11 recipe]] for the `trac-post-commit-hook`, this will give you some ideas about how to modify the component.
     124Have a look at the [[trac:wiki:0.11/TracWorkflow#How-ToCombineSVNtrac-post-commit-hookWithTestWorkflow|Trac 0.11 recipe]] for the `trac-post-commit-hook`, this will give you some ideas about how to modify the component.
    128126== Example: Add simple optional generic review state ==
    165163leave.default = 1
    166164leave.operations = leave_status
    167 reassign = new,assigned,reopened -> new
     165reassign = new,assigned,accepted,reopened -> assigned
    168166reassign.operations = set_owner
    169167reassign.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
    211209== some ideas for next steps ==
    213 New enhancement ideas for the workflow system should be filed as enhancement tickets against the `ticket system` component.  If desired, add a single-line link to that ticket here.  Also look at the [th:wiki:AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin] as it provides experimental operations.
     211New enhancement ideas for the workflow system should be filed as enhancement tickets against the `ticket system` component.  If desired, add a single-line link to that ticket here.  Also look at the [ AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin] as it provides experimental operations.
    215213If you have a response to the comments below, create an enhancement ticket, and replace the description below with a link to the ticket.
    231229 * Actions should be selectable based on the ticket type (different Workflows for different tickets)
    232 ''Look into the [th:wiki:AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin]'s `triage` operation.''
     230''Look into the [ AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin]'s `triage` operation.''
     232 * I'd wish to have an option to perform automatic status changes. In my case, I do not want to start with "new", but with "assigned". So tickets in state "new" should automatically go into state "assigned". Or is there already a way to do this and I just missed it?
     233''Have a look at [ TicketCreationStatusPlugin] and [ TicketConditionalCreationStatusPlugin]''
     235 * I added a 'testing' state. A tester can close the ticket or reject it. I'd like the transition from testing to rejected to set the owner to the person that put the ticket in 'testing'. The [ AdvancedTicketWorkflowPlugin] is close with set_owner_to_field, but we need something like set_field_to_owner.
     237 * I'd like to track the time a ticket is in each state, adding up 'disjoints' intervals in the same state.