[tahoe-dev] running a stats gatherer

Jody Harris imhavoc at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 09:30:01 PST 2009



I would recommend:
 - Reorder for setup information before the technical description of the
data gathered. (Switch sections 2 and 3)
 - Table of Contents

= Table of Contents =
== 1. Tahoe Stats Overview ==
== 2. Statistics Categories ==
== 3. Running a Tahoe Stats-Gatherer Service ==
== 4. Using Munin To Graph Stats Values ==

A table of contents is invaluable for seeing if a document contains the
information you are looking for. I would strongly encourage the Tahoe
documentation team to create tables of contents for all docs.

Numbering the sections is a great aid for quick navigation, especially as
documents grow.

- Think carefully.
- Contra mundum - "Against the world" (St. Athanasius)
- Credo ut intelliga - "I believe that I may know" (St. Augustin of Hippo)
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