[tahoe-dev] barriers to using tahoe
Peter Secor
secorp at allmydata.com
Thu Feb 4 16:11:40 PST 2010
The javascript web interface for allmydata.com grabs the base URI from a
database (given a user/pass) and presents the user with a simple
file-explorer paradigm. The URI's are not exposed, and there is drag and
drop of files/directories that are already in the grid.
Some useful but could-be-better features are file upload via a dialog
(not exploring the local drive yet), sharing (requires php currently),
and downloads (click to save).
We've had a prototype of this working on the local node, but haven't
released it yet to the open-source project. We're actively working to
get it out, but it has been fairly useful to the commercial customer
base and I personally use it quite a lot.
Hope this helps,
On 2/4/10 3:57 PM, Jody Harris wrote:
> I'm not as opposed to showing globally unique identifiers as you are.
> I'm also not optimistic about having good, fluid drag-and-drop in a web
> interface. Doing good, clean drag-and-drop in the web would be a major
> undertaking.
> That said, a "good user experience" for Tahoe seems to be creeping
> farther away rather than drawing nearer.
> jody
> ----
> - Think carefully.
> - Contra mundum - "Against the world" (St. Athanasius)
> - Credo ut intelliga - "I believe that I may know" (St. Augustin of Hippo)
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 4:50 PM, James A. Donald <jamesd at echeque.com
> <mailto:jamesd at echeque.com>> wrote:
> Jody Harris wrote:
> > Barriers continued....
> >
> > These are comments from my users:
> >
> > (Speaking of command line...) "cryptic they are. They need to
> move more
> > of the functionality into the web gui and do automatical aliasing
> and show
> > that in the web GUI. At least the top and maybe first trees in the
> > structure."
> >
> > "...why not include a web app - complete with logins and groups?"
> >
> > "Interesting decision not to include [a web wrapper]...seems an
> obvious
> > oversight?"
> >
> > These users seem to have very little patience for understanding
> the broader
> > context of what tahoe was designed for.
> >
> > Perhaps I'm just trying to roll this out in the context of the
> wrong users.
> I suspect that any user will have similar reactions to a tool that
> shoves globally unique identifiers in his face.
> What I interpret these users as requesting, when they ask for a "web
> app" or a "web wrapper", that does "automatical aliasing" is a web page
> that they can log into (thus obtaining their root capability) and on
> that web page they see the "aliases" (petnames, links) for the
> capabilities that they have already created, and they can drag and drop
> files onto that web page, thereby creating more capabilities,
> represented by more "aliases" (user petnames)
> I think "automatical aliasing" may perhaps mean the same thing as I mean
> when I say, "never show an end user a globally unique identifier."
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