[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #68: implement distributed introduction, remove Introducer as a single point of failure

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Mon Jun 21 18:11:30 PDT 2010

#68: implement distributed introduction, remove Introducer as a single point of
     Reporter:  lvo           |       Owner:  nobody                                    
         Type:  enhancement   |      Status:  new                                       
     Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  eventually                                
    Component:  code-network  |     Version:  0.2.0                                     
   Resolution:                |    Keywords:  scalability availability introduction gsoc
Launchpad Bug:                |  

Comment (by zooko):

 Nice work! Next, please write a unit test of these patches. One unit test
 should verify that the client learns about a server when that server is
 announced to one introducer and also when that server is announced to the
 other introducer. The unit test should use a "mock !IntroducerClient
 class" to test that code that your patch changed in
 [source:src/allmydata/client.py at 4193#L173]. The idea is that the code in
 [source:src/allmydata/client.py] thinks that it is instantiating an
 instance of [source:src/allmydata/introducer/client.py at 3931#L13
 IntroducerClient], but actually the test code has set it up so that when
 the code under test instantiates {{{IntroducerClient()}}} then instead it
 gets an instance of the mock introducer client.

 You can accomplish this using the Python mock library's {{{mock.patch}}}
 decorator. You can copy the way we use {{{mock.patch}}} in other places in
 our tests if you like to learn by code copying (I like to learn that way).


Ticket URL: <http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/68#comment:26>
tahoe-lafs <http://tahoe-lafs.org>
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