[tahoe-dev] help! how do I manage dependencies on JavaScript code?

Chris Palmer chris at noncombatant.org
Thu Sep 2 06:10:55 UTC 2010

include the source. as it is, the dependency situation is as bad as gnumeric in the late 90s: unbuildable. pull in the rest of the dependencies while you're at it.

then,  file bugs to refactor and eliminate features to get the code size back down.

this problem is crippling the project.

Zooko O'Whielacronx <zooko at zooko.com> wrote:

>Brian wrote three patches for Tahoe-LAFS recently and so far I've only
>applied two of them to trunk. The third one doesn't change behavior or
>performance but adds beautiful, colorful JavaScript-based
>visualization of download behavior. I haven't applied it because it
>includes a copy of jquery and a copy of protovis. I don't like
>including copies of third-party libraries in our source tree. (We
>currently do it for setuptools/zetuptoolz, setuptools_trial, and
>darcsver, but those are special cases because there are bootstrapping
>issues and work-arounds for bugs in packaging tools. We would really
>like to get rid of the bundled copies of those packages as well. We
>used to have a lot more bundled bits of code in our source tree and
>we've gradually made progress getting rid of them until now.)
>I also don't like adding hundreds of KB and tens of thousands of lines
>of code to our source tree, and neither do I like adding compressed
>(minified) things into our source tree instead of "the preferred form
>for modification", i.e. raw human-oriented source.
>Here is a comment about these issues:
>Does anyone have ideas about how to cleanly manage dependencies on
>JavaScript code? At the moment I'm inclined to go ahead with
>Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.0 without the pretty visualization and figure out a
>really good way to manage this stuff for Tahoe-LAFS v1.9.
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>tahoe-dev at tahoe-lafs.org

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