[tahoe-dev] wiki gardening needed Re: darcs patch: modified quickstart.html to note dependency on python-...

Greg Troxel gdt at ir.bbn.com
Thu Sep 23 13:14:54 UTC 2010

  1. We don't actually have a binary egg of pycryptopp-0.5.20 for
  py2.6/linux/amd64 hosted yet, see:
  . As soon as either Josh's or Brian's buildslaves are respectively
  connected to the Internet or empowered with flappclient then this
  should be remedied.

Is 0.5.19 acceptable?  That's what is in pkgsrc, and probably what was
current when I added packages over the summer.  I am running 1.8.0c4
with py-cryptopp 0.5.19 and it seems ok.
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