[tahoe-dev] Installation much improved in 1.8.x

Jody Harris jharris at harrisdev.com
Wed Jan 19 08:14:28 UTC 2011

I just wanted to drop the devs a quick note to say "thanks for making
installs MUCH easier."

In November I set up a machine that is running Ubuntus netbook variant as a
remote node. I attempted to bring the Tahoe up to date and was just
frustrated. Since I did not have a lot of time, I just deployed it with the
1.7.1 that was in the repositories and went on.

Today, I downloaded the 1.8.1 package and with a simple `python setup.py
build,` the installation went through "automagically."

Kudos on the excellent work on the installer.

(VolunteerGrid2 participant)
- Think carefully.
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