[tahoe-dev] New User - Questions

Dudumomo dudumomo at gmail.com
Sun Sep 25 20:01:38 PDT 2011

Hi there,

Tahoe is a great tool and our self-hosting distribution project (
www.beedbox.org/en) is trying to get a deeper view on this helpful tool.

However, I do have several questions to better understand the project.

Sorry if it has already been deeply discussed before.

1) I understand how important is the Rootcap and if I loose it, I will not
be able to retrieve back my data. But in such a case, my data into the
network will become useless. Does Tahoe has a kind of deadline if I don't
use it for XX months, the files are deleted?
Because I'm afraid that the network could be full of unclaimed/lost storage.

2) How safe is the encryption? Any way to be sure our data is safe?

3) In term of bandwidth, can we know how the degree of saturation of the
network? Or something similar? This part is a bit unclear for me, how is the
Tahoe performance to replicate the data.
Samething for my own node (We have the storage usage, I'd like to see as
well the bandwidth usage of my server for Tahoe)
And, as far as I understood, the client, when uploading a file, need to
replicated 10 times the file (Right?). If we use an helper, this helper will
directly replicate the data. (Very good for asymetric connection as only
once upload is necessary) but between helpers or within the network, any p2p
data exchange ? I mean automatically. A kind of automatic replication based
on user preferences.

4) And last point, any update for implementing quota? (Like I share 10GB, I
can have access to XGB, etc...)

Thanks for your lights !

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