[tahoe-dev] 回复: Re: how to make a study about this file system?

han zheng z.han0903 at gmail.com
Mon May 14 08:27:14 UTC 2012

Thanks, there may be two reasons about why I want to study the source code: first, I want to learn some knowledge from the source code and improve my ability on study at the same time; second, my mentor asks me to do so, we want to do some research about it.

Han Zheng


Han Zheng

发件人:Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
发送时间:2012-05-14 11:09
主题:Re: [tahoe-dev] how to make a study about this file system?
收件人:"Tahoe-LAFS development"<tahoe-dev at tahoe-lafs.org>

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 9:27 PM, han zheng <z.han0903 at gmail.com> wrote: 
> As the subject said, I want to learn the tahoe's source code, but I am a novice and do not know how to get a start, could you give me some advises to study the souce code? 

Have you already read the developer documents? 


A good starting place in the docs is architecture.rst: 


After that, there is not yet a "roadmap to the source code", but there 
is a ticket where we have written down some ideas about what such a 
thing would contain: 


Here's an idea: 

To dive into the source code start at the server side. The Tahoe-LAFS 
storage server is prevented by the architecture from knowing anything 
about the encryption/decryption or integrity-checking. And, it doesn't 
know anything about the erasure coding. Therefore, it has less 
complexity than the Tahoe-LAFS gateway does, and it is easier to read 
the whole source code and understand what it does. 

To understand everything that the storage server does, you would need 
to read the files in this directory: 


Han Zheng: why do you want to study the Tahoe-LAFS source code? 


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