[tahoe-dev] What will happen if combine LAFS with Memcached?

Patrick Logan patrickdlogan at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 22:13:09 UTC 2013

Are you suggesting putting memcached in *front* of LAFS? Or putting
memcached somewhere *within* LAFS?

Those seem like two very different kinds of systems that may be more
or less appropriate to certain use cases.

I would suggest finding the interesting use cases you want to
investigate and then decide whether memcached and/or LAFS apply to any
of those use cases.

As it is, your original project seems overly broad, as well as putting
the cart before the horse.

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 11:47 PM, Steven Lee <elderry at outlook.com> wrote:
> Hello, I am studying for my summer project and am interested in LAFS, this
> morning my mentor mentioned that is that possible to deploy LAFS with
> Memcached to improve its performance? Since I am not very familiar with the
> both projects, I searched on Internet and found no one has ever been
> interested in this, so I think there must be some reasons. Then what's your
> opinions? Thanks in advance.
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