[tahoe-dev] Only Python version?

Daira Hopwood davidsarah at leastauthority.com
Sun Sep 1 16:29:26 UTC 2013

On 01/09/13 09:28, Jerzy Łogiewa wrote:
> Hello!
> Is Tahoe available in some native code for the performance? C or C++ or is maybe the
> implementation only Python? Any plans?

Tahoe-LAFS uses some C/C++ code, however, that's primarily due to availability of
libraries (and security issues with writing crypto code in Python) rather than
for performance. There are not currently any plans to do a rewrite, although if
anyone wanted to do that we'd certainly provide help and encouragement.

The performance bottlenecks in the current implementation are primarily due to
networking and protocol design. There are many possible avenues for improving those
while keeping the implementation as (mostly) Python.

Here's a list of all performance-related tickets:

Daira Hopwood ⚥

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