[tahoe-dev] zfec: bug with m=16 k=13 parameters at certain file length

Bodecs Bela bodecsb at vivanet.hu
Wed Sep 11 09:16:06 UTC 2013

Hi All,

please confirm the following bug:

zfec command line tool, version: 1.4.24

steps to reproduce:

create any file with length of 6176761 byte. Name it test.file

zfec this file with the command line tool using parameters m=16 k=13

 zfec  -p fec_file -m 16 -k 13 -v test.file

then unfec the resulted chunks:

zunfec -o test.file.unfec fec_file.00_16.fec fec_file.01_16.fec
fec_file.02_16.fec fec_file.03_16.fec fec_file.04_16.fec
fec_file.05_16.fec fec_file.06_16.fec fec_file.07_16.fec
fec_file.08_16.fec fec_file.09_16.fec fec_file.10_16.fec
fec_file.11_16.fec fec_file.12_16.fec fec_file.13_16.fec

the result file (test.file.unfec) will be a 6176768 byte sized file.
(but it should be 6176761 bytes long)
If you investigate the resulted file, you will see, that there are 7
extra zero bytes at the end of the file.

I have tested this file size with other k and m but I could not find any
other affected parameters to reproduce this bug.
And I could not find any other file size to reproduce this bug with m=16
and k=13 parameters.

Thank you in advance,


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