report from today's Nuts and Bolts Party

Zooko Wilcox-OHearn zooko at
Mon May 12 23:18:43 UTC 2014

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 LAFS Nuts And Bolts Party, 2014-05-12

in attendance: Zooko (scribe), Daira

We merged a patch to print out more useful information about versions of
dependencies and tools, when building `pull/91`_.

We looked at `ticket #2193`_ and decided that it depended on `ticket
#2215`_. Zooko added `a comment on ticket #2193`_ objecting to a proposal in
an earlier comment on the ticket.

We talked about the Heartbleed detection patch (`ticket #2215`_) and Zooko
suggested that we should start with a minimal version of the patch that does
not look at the ostensible version numbers of OpenSSL at all and that does
not try to account for any other vulnerabilities besides Heartbleed. Daira

We agreed to package up the Heartbleed-detector code as a separate Python
package and publish it and ask everyone to run it.

.. _pull/91:

.. _ticket #2193:

.. _a comment on ticket #2193:

.. _ticket #2215:


Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn

Founder, CEO, and Customer Support Rep
Freedom matters.

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