tor hidden service endpoint designs

David Stainton dstainton415 at
Thu May 15 09:26:59 UTC 2014

> I also don't mind doing a 0.9.x release with this in it as a "preview"
> feature, even if it's not completely-fully-baked -- especially if having
> a version of this on PyPI helps your Tahoe dev. Is this something you
> need?

Thanks! That's very nice of you to offer swift code merges.

The Tahoe-LAFS Tor integration is a rather large project...
and I will be thinking about these code deployment issues soon when I finish
the server side port of Foolscap to twisted endpoints.

I'm not sure what the txsocksx author thinks about my pull request:

It's been a whole week without word... so I'll e-mail him soon and ask
what's up.
Maybe he'd appreciate me writing endpoint parsers for all his socks endpoints...


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