report from this week's and last week's Nuts And Bolts
Zooko Wilcox-OHearn
zooko at
Mon May 26 22:32:10 UTC 2014
LAFS Nuts And Bolts Party, 2014-05-19
in attendance: Zooko (scribe), Aaron, Daira
Accumulo is a nosql db invented by Aaron that has fine-grained access
control. Each row-column pair in the table has its own access control
rules which are a set of boolean equations in a simple DSL that can be
satisfied with tokens provided by the queries.
Aaron invented it while working at NSA, for the purpose of being able
to store information with various classification levels or
compartmentalization tags in a single DB, instead of having a separate
DB for every such compartment. Nowadays it is the only nosql db that
you can get your boss to approve if you are working in the US
military/intelligence world and dealing with
classified/sensitive/secret data.
Aaron has successfully connected it to LAFS in place of its native
HDFS storage layer, and we talked about how to make sure the
write-ahead-log was durably synced, and whether Tahoe-LAFS mutable
file update performance would be acceptable, and stuff like that.
Aaron and Zooko talked about how they were going to demo Accumulo+LAFS
at the Pentagon later that week.
LAFS Nuts And Bolts Party, 2014-05-26
in attendance: Zooko (scribe), PRab
Tahoe-LAFS v1.11.0 Milestone is shown as having been due to be
released back in Sept 2013. We should update that, but we don't know
to what new date to set it.
It shows 42 closed tickets in the 1.11.0 Milestone, and 24 active.
PRab asked if that means we're 2/3 of the way to the next release.
Zooko replied that almost all of those 24 open tickets we're *not*
actually planning to block the 1.11.0 release for. See the tag
There are only 4 such tickets currently.
We talked about the work to integrate Tahoe-LAFS into Tails, and
specifically the intended use cases for why anyone would want that: . It seems like the
current blocker is that the Tails developers are waiting to hear from
some Tails users who say "Yes! I used Tahoe-LAFS and it was even
better than SFTP!".
The public test grid was down due to the dynamic DNS service that
points to the introducer being down. PRab added the introducer's IP
address to his node and restarted it and it connected. PRab updated
PRab uses Windows, and will test .
Zooko had to leave early, so this was only 1/3 as long as a normal
Nuts and Bolts party.
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
Founder, CEO, and Customer Support Rep
Freedom matters.
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