Public Test Grid Furl

Patrick R McDonald marlowe at
Thu May 29 12:46:13 UTC 2014

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 08:00:08PM -0400, Paul Rabahy wrote:
> Looks like you are correct. I tried contacting DNS Dynamic, but have
> not heard back from them yet.
> Does anybody have a subdomain/domain that they would be willing to
> point to the public test grid or does anybody know of a good, free
> dynamic DNS provider? It seems like each time I pick a dynamic DNS
> provider they work for a year or 2, but then try to charge or
> disappear. I guess another option would be to actually buy a domain
> for the public test grid. Anyone willing to donate some money/bitcoin
> for a domain?


Please contact me off list and I can help you out.

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