[tahoe-lafs-weekly-news] TWN 44 - Return of TWN

marlowe at antagonism.org marlowe at antagonism.org
Tue Oct 20 17:28:52 UTC 2015

Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News, issue number 44, October 20 2015

Welcome to the Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News (TWN).  Tahoe-LAFS_ is a secure,
distributed storage system. `View TWN on the web`_ *or* `subscribe to TWN`_.
If you would like to view the "new and improved" TWN, complete with pictures;
please take a `look`_.

.. _Tahoe-LAFS: https://tahoe-lafs.org
.. _View TWN on the web:
.. _subscribe to TWN:
.. _look: https://tahoe-lafs.org/~marlowe/TWN44.html

Announcement and News

Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News Returns

After a far too long absence, Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News (TWN) returns.  We are
excited to be back and working with such a fantastic project and community.
Our goal is to deliver you all the Tahoe-LAFS news fit to print by 0900 PST

Nuts & Bolts


A special thank you to Zooko for providing the meeting notes to both
Tuesday and
Friday's meetings.

Tuesday Meeting

In attendance: Brian, Daira, David, Meejah, Zooko (scribe)

* Tahoe-LAFS is `broken`_ in Ubuntu due to a packaging issue that is
already fixed
in Tahoe-LAFS trunk, but the fix hasn't been imported into Ubuntu.

Brian's storage server reports 18446744073.71GB available space. After we
confirmed with Brian that he does *not* have a moon-sized storage array, we
opened a `ticket`_ about this bug.

* Spam keeps getting added to our trac. We're going to give up on defending
it and migrate to Github. The Twisted project is doing the same, so we're
to try and ride on their coat-tails (i.e. to use their tools and learn from
their experiences) in order to preserve all of our precious data and history
through the migration.

Friday Meeting

In attendance: Daira, Zooko (scribe)

We rebased the Cloud Backend branch to the current trunk. It is *almost*
but there are still a few unit test failures and the current version uses a
testing ("mock") that we want to remove before merging it into trunk.

.. _`broken`:
.. _`ticket`: https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2532

Patches Needing Review of the Week

* make MDMF the default version of distributed mutable files
* `#573`_: land Lin Shu's work on Server Selection
* `#1819`_: land LeastAuthority's work on Cloud Backendvers-of-happiness
.. _`#1382`: https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1382
.. _`#573`: https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/573
.. _`#1819`: https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1819


*The Tahoe-LAFS Weekly News is published once a week by The Tahoe-LAFS*
Wilcox-O'Hearn* |zooko| *, Editor Emeritus: Zooko.* `View TWN on the
web`_ *or* `subscribe to TWN`_ *. Send your news stories to*
`marlowe at antagonism.org`_ *— submission deadline: Friday night.*

.. _marlowe at antagonism.org: mailto:marlowe at antagonism.org
.. |peter| image:: psecor.jpg
   :height: 35
   :alt: peter
   :target: http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/AboutUs
.. |marlowe| image:: marlowe-x75-bw.jpg
   :height: 35
   :alt: marlowe
   :target: http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/AboutUs
.. |zooko| image:: zooko.png
   :height: 35
   :alt: zooko
   :target: http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/AboutUs
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