[volunteergrid2-l] Polls closing today

Jody Harris jharris at harrisdev.com
Wed Dec 14 01:50:28 UTC 2011

BTW, I finally got around to blocking poppy at iptables.

Unfortunately, I only blocked the current IP address, since Shorewall
didn't want to have to do a DNS lookup to block the subdomain.

Ph. 575-208-4567
- Think carefully.

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 3:16 PM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com> wrote:

> Okay, iptables now lives on the server wherein the VG2 introducer lives.
> I don't know why the kernel in place did not have iptables support.
> jody
> ----
> Ph. 575-208-4567
> - Think carefully.
> On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com>wrote:
>> I have filed a ticket with Rackspace. We'll see what they say.
>> I hesitate to roll custom kernels because then you're slaved to rolling a
>> kernel every time there is a security update.
>> j
>> ----
>> Ph. 575-208-4567
>> - Think carefully.
>> On Sun, Nov 13, 2011 at 8:36 AM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com>wrote:
>>> $sudo iptables -L
>>> FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such
>>> file or directory
>>> iptables v1.4.4: can't initialize iptables table `filter': iptables who?
>>> (do you need to insmod?)
>>> Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
>>> $ uname -a
>>> Linux UbuntuCloud #8 SMP Mon Sep 20 15:54:33 UTC 2010
>>> x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>> ----
>>> Ph. 575-208-4567
>>> - Think carefully.
>>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 12:13 PM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org>wrote:
>>>> What do you get when you run "sudo iptables -L"?
>>>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com>wrote:
>>>>>  Shawn, this is a virtual/cloud server. According to tech support,
>>>>> iptables should be working.
>>>>> j
>>>>> ----
>>>>> Ph. 575-208-4567
>>>>> - Think carefully.
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org>wrote:
>>>>>> Is it some sort of virtual host?
>>>>>> Otherwise... that's bizarre.
>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com>wrote:
>>>>>>> Apparently, my server's kernel does not have iptable support
>>>>>>> compiled in.... I've never seen that before. I'm going to see what support
>>>>>>> has to say about that.
>>>>>>> j
>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>> Ph. 575-208-4567
>>>>>>> - Think carefully.
>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 11:18 PM, Iantcho Vassilev <
>>>>>>> ianchov at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Firehol looks nice..Look also at Shorewall
>>>>>>>> Iantcho
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 22:31, Steve Dodson <steve.dodson at gmail.com
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Firehol makes it pretty easy as well:
>>>>>>>>> http://firehol.sourceforge.**net/<http://firehol.sourceforge.net/>
>>>>>>>>> On 11/11/2011 12:39 PM, Jody Harris wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:shawn at willden.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>    (Actually Jody, do you think you could block poppy at your
>>>>>>>>>> firewall?
>>>>>>>>>>      If we could make it impossible for the introducer to see
>>>>>>>>>> poppy
>>>>>>>>>>    then restart the introducer and all nodes in the grid, poppy
>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>    be removed.  Alternatively, we could remove poppy by
>>>>>>>>>> generating a
>>>>>>>>>>    new FURL and requiring everyone to reconfigure their nodes.
>>>>>>>>>>  Or we
>>>>>>>>>>    could just wait until Steve gets it turned off.  It's annoying
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>    have it out there taking shares which we know are going to
>>>>>>>>>> disappear
>>>>>>>>>>    soon, but preventing it isn't easy.)
>>>>>>>>>> I'll have to spend some time looking in iptables docks. I never
>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>> become familiar enough with iptables to roll recipes on the
>>>>>>>>>> fly....
>>>>>>>>>> j
>>>>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>>>>> Ph. 575-208-4567
>>>>>>>>>> - Think carefully.
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>>>>>> Shawn
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>>>> --
>>>> Shawn
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