[volunteergrid2-l] mod_proxy protected gateways -- common user file
Jody Harris
jharris at harrisdev.com
Thu Feb 3 03:54:35 PST 2011
I thought of that, too.... :-)
Another thought:
If each person could create their own entry in the user table, then each
user's password would be always confidential.
- Each user could publish their entry to a mutable file in the grid,
- then supply the capability to the "gatekeeper."
- The gatekeeper could add the information to the cronjob
- The gatekeeper_cronjob would generate the central file.
- Think carefully.
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com> wrote:
>> Brad mentioned today that he would like some way to have a common user
>> file for all web-facing VolunteerGrid2 gateways. That would be wonderful.
>> If anyone has ideas on how to implement that, shout it out.
> Host it in the grid, and put a cron job on each web-facing gateway that
> periodically downloads and installs the current version?
> We have a nice tool here for a shared file that is only accessible to
> members of this list. If we wanted to have a single person act as
> gatekeeper, we could provide everyone else with the read cap.
> --
> Shawn
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