[volunteergrid2-l] mod_proxy protected gateways -- common user file
Brad Rupp
bradrupp at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 08:12:30 PST 2011
What about having a single mutable file in the grid. People could
change the file directly. It does increase the risk that the file could
be corrupted, but in reality there will be so few people in the grid
that I don't see that as a big problem.
On 2/2/2011 8:54 PM, Jody Harris wrote:
> I thought of that, too.... :-)
> Another thought:
> If each person could create their own entry in the user table, then each
> user's password would be always confidential.
> - Each user could publish their entry to a mutable file in the grid,
> - then supply the capability to the "gatekeeper."
> - The gatekeeper could add the information to the cronjob
> - The gatekeeper_cronjob would generate the central file.
> ----
> - Think carefully.
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org
> <mailto:shawn at willden.org>> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com
> <mailto:jharris at harrisdev.com>> wrote:
> Brad mentioned today that he would like some way to have a
> common user file for all web-facing VolunteerGrid2 gateways.
> That would be wonderful.
> If anyone has ideas on how to implement that, shout it out.
> Host it in the grid, and put a cron job on each web-facing gateway
> that periodically downloads and installs the current version?
> We have a nice tool here for a shared file that is only accessible
> to members of this list. If we wanted to have a single person act
> as gatekeeper, we could provide everyone else with the read cap.
> --
> Shawn
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