[volunteergrid2-l] Revisiting space contribution caps

Brad Rupp bradrupp at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 09:43:31 PST 2011

On 2/3/2011 9:45 AM, Shawn Willden wrote:
> I guess, but my intent is that
> you are allowed to consume min(node_size, 1 TB).  If you have multiple
> nodes, you take the min for each and sum them.
> <snip>
> If you can think of a nice, compact way to write that Python expression
> in English, I'd love to hear it.

Works for me.  I think you did just fine with your English statement.

You are allowed to consume min(node_size, 1 TB).  If you have multiple 
nodes, you take the min for each and sum them.

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