[volunteergrid2-l] Making our web-facing gateways NOT a rope around our necks

Shawn Willden shawn at willden.org
Tue Feb 8 06:45:25 PST 2011

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Billy Earney <billy.earney at gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe I’m way off base with this, but what about setting up the tahoe
> config for sftp access, then using fusessh and mounting it to a directory
> somewhere on your system, and then using some other app for public access?

That loses most of the niceness of sharing via Tahoe.

With Tahoe caps, I can give you access to any subtree, but not provide you
any ability to access anything outside the subtree, and I can give you one
subtree now and another tomorrow.  With your suggestion, I have to pick in
advance which subtree I'm going to make available to the whole world.  If I
want to be more selective I then have to add some additional access control
mechanism on top of it.

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