[volunteergrid2-l] Making our web-facing gateways NOT a rope around our necks

Jody Harris jharris at harrisdev.com
Tue Feb 8 07:53:28 PST 2011

As it turns out, there's no way built into Tahoe-LAFS to share read-only
rights without exposing the whole system to writes.... Kind of like a

I think there are work-around, but they are poorly documented, if at all. So
far, the limit of the documentation I've seen is, "You do wrap it with some
technology." The documentation Brad posted to the list for setting up an
Apache proxy was the only documentation I've seen for doing that. (We need
to get that properly documented in our wiki, too.)

- Think carefully.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Billy Earney <billy.earney at gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe I’m way off base with this, but what about setting up the tahoe
> config for sftp access, then using fusessh and mounting it to a directory
> somewhere on your system, and then using some other app for public access?
> *From:* volunteergrid2-l-bounces at tahoe-lafs.org [mailto:
> volunteergrid2-l-bounces at tahoe-lafs.org] *On Behalf Of *Jody Harris
> *Sent:* Monday, February 07, 2011 3:04 PM
> *To:* VolunteerGrid2
> *Subject:* [volunteergrid2-l] Making our web-facing gateways NOT a rope
> around our necks
> Here's the ticket I initiated 14 months ago:
> http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/860
> (davidsarah filed it on my behalf.)
> 8 months ago, it was changed to milestone, "eventually."
> Until this "major" bug has been alleviated, we will not be able to share
> files with anyone not a member of the VolunteerGrid2. We'll have to jump
> through the hoops of wrapping any web-facing gateway in a proxy -- which is
> only going to be easily accomplished if we already have Squid or Apache (or
> other services) already running on the nodes.
> It might be helpful if more people created Trac accounts and commented on
> this ticket -- I don't know.
> jody
> ----
> - Think carefully.
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