[volunteergrid2-l] Node Update

Steve Dodson steve.dodson at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 10:18:55 PST 2011

My apologies for being so slow in updating vg2 on the status of my 
nodes, but here's the latest...

After much difficulty, I was finally able to install Ubuntu (Server 
10.10 w/ Lubuntu) on software RAID and I believe "Hiro" is now fully 
operational.  At some point I will upgrade the Tahoe version - but the 
repo install was by far the easiest option.

The rhp997 node is up - but the share size has been capped at 1G until I 
can reconfigure the drives (two were pulled for hiro).  I'm waiting on a 
longer Torx screwdriver to arrive from Amazon (today or tomorrow) before 
I can pull an external drive and combine it into an LVM of acceptable 
size.  Should I stop the tahoe service on rhp997 until this is 
completed? I'm hoping to get started on this by Wed. this week...

The Poppy node is a different story; I upgraded the router at that 
location thinking it's port forwarding was problematic, but even with 
the new router (ASUS RT-N16) I've been unable to make it reliably 
visible over the network.  I've created port forwarding and firewall 
rules and added a dyndns account - using the same steps I followed to 
create my home node...all to no avail.  In talking to the ISP, I may end 
up having to buy a static IP for this node?  I'm not very good with the 
network side of things, but this might be caused by the ISPs internal 
NATting?  Because of it's location, I have some difficulty testing this 
node.  Do any of you network gurus have ideas for me to try next time 
I'm onsite to try and determine if I will, in fact, need a static IP?  I 
don't even know enough about this to ask intelligent questions of my 
ISP...The box in question is running Ubuntu 10.10.


soli Deo gloria
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