[volunteergrid2-l] Testing the "semi public" gateway

Billy Earney billy.earney at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 05:48:57 PST 2011

Works fine for me too.  Chrome under windows OS.  Can check other browsers
if you desire.. J


From: volunteergrid2-l-bounces at tahoe-lafs.org
[mailto:volunteergrid2-l-bounces at tahoe-lafs.org] On Behalf Of Jody Harris
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 5:37 PM
To: VolunteerGrid2
Subject: [volunteergrid2-l] Testing the "semi public" gateway


Brad has been working on the reverse proxy config for a "semi public"
gateway for the grid....


I need to know if you can access this directory (without password prompts
and such) and download (or at least view) files:

 <http://goo.gl/E1dzm> http://goo.gl/E1dzm


If you could test it across a variety of browsers and platforms (if you have
them), that would be great. Please send me whatever diagnostic information
you can. I really appreciate it.


It's working fine for me on Linux, but I have a friend who isn't getting
anything from Firefox on Windows.


Many thanks in advance,


- Think carefully.

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