[volunteergrid2-l] Why storage capacity variation should be small

Jody Harris jharris at harrisdev.com
Sat Jan 15 20:53:31 UTC 2011

Okay, who's agrigating these ideas into a list that we can "vote" on? It
looks like we're all "share holders" in a "corporation" (a co-operation), so
we need to have a way to act corporately.

- Think carefully.

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Shawn Willden <shawn at willden.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Jody Harris <jharris at harrisdev.com>wrote:
>> I'm looking for a grid that can host not less than 500 GB per owner. I am
>> currently only contributing 1TB, so my max allowable based on that is ~300
>> GB, but I can easily add more nodes or storage.
> Excellent.  That's the same capacity I'm looking for.
> On the expansion factor you mention, one of the other things I want to
> recommend to members of the grid is that they set K and H to be much higher
> than the defaults.  Assuming that we can get 20 active servers on this grid,
> with the 95% uptime commitment, I'll recommend that you set your parameters
> to 7/15/15.  Those parameters will provide you with _higher_ reliability
> than 3/7/10, but an expansion factor of just under 2, rather than over 3.
> --
> Shawn
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