[volunteergrid2-l] Playing with a logo

Brad Rupp bradrupp at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 19:23:43 UTC 2011

I actually like the logo.  Given my artistic abilities, you are already 
head and shoulders above me.


On 1/25/2011 10:40 AM, Jody Harris wrote:
> I got tired of TWiki's ugly logo all over our wiki, so I whipped up a
> little logo just playing with Google Document's Draw tool.
> I know it's not very good. I just wanted to 1) play with it and get some
> ideas flowing, 2) have an excuse to get familiar with Google's drawing
> tool and 3) figure out where the setting in TWiki was for changing the
> site logo (found it!).
> So, here's the page for the logo ideas:
> http://bigpig.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/DraftLogo (it's an unlinked orphan)
> The default Twiki logo is 40 pixels tall. I made mine 50 pixels. If
> anyone is inspired to play with a logo, have at it. I'm not proud, and I
> know mine's not much of a logo, but hey, I've invested a total of ~20
> minutes on it, so.... have at it.
> j
> ----
> - Think carefully.
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