[volunteergrid2-l] New Node

Steve Dodson steve.dodson at gmail.com
Sat Jan 29 09:13:40 UTC 2011

I haven't announced the "poppy" node just yet as I know there is still 
work to be done.  I will try to find time this weekend to get some of it 

On 01/29/2011 09:31 AM, Shawn Willden wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 12:29 AM, Brad Rupp <bradrupp at gmail.com
> <mailto:bradrupp at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I have brought my node up.  There should be 1TB of storage available.
> It's up, I can see it!  I also temporarily firewalled my node to verify
> that I could still see it. I can, which means that your node is not
> firewalled.  However, I see that steve.dodson at gmail.com-poppy is
> firewalled.  Steve, you need to poke a hole or set up NAT forwarding.
> That gives us seven nodes.  I've got two or three people from the Salt
> Lake Linux User's Group interested, plus one more from UCC, so just with
> my recruits we should be up to 10 by the end of the coming week.  At
> that point, I'll consider this grid ready for actual use, though I
> really want to get to 20+ nodes before we call our recruiting effort
> complete.
>     http://bigpig.org:3457/
>     http://bigpig.org:5234/
> Yeah, Jody took them down until he can figure out how to secure them
> behind a reverse proxy.  If you want to make your welcome page (by
> default on port 3456) accessible to the net but protected behind a
> password-protected proxy, then we'd all have a way to check the
> connectivity of our own nodes.  I could set up a reverse proxy for my
> own, but it would require figuring out how... and you already know!
> --
> Shawn
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soli Deo gloria

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