[volunteergrid2-l] Gateway Passwords
Jody Harris
jharris at harrisdev.com
Mon Jul 4 09:14:43 PDT 2011
I do think we need to revisit the password consolidation system, also.
Perhaps we need to resolve the public/private secret issue first.
- Think carefully.
On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Brad Rupp <bradrupp at gmail.com> wrote:
> One discussion that I do remember us having and that we never resolved was
> what do do with the passwords on the gateways. My gateway has passwords for
> some of the users but not all. The password was generated by me and sent
> privately to the particular user. We discussed using Tahoe to distribute
> the passwords and then a script that could put them all together into a
> format that Apache could understand. This would allow individual users
> the ability to generate and/or change their own password. I think that is
> as far as we got on this. Any other thoughts on this topic?
> Thanks,
> Brad
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